Class AccumuloITBase

    • Field Detail

      • testName

        public org.junit.rules.TestName testName
    • Constructor Detail

      • AccumuloITBase

        public AccumuloITBase()
    • Method Detail

      • getUniqueNames

        public String[] getUniqueNames​(int num)
      • getSslDir

        public static File getSslDir​(File baseDir)
        Determines an appropriate directory name for holding generated ssl files for a test. The directory returned will have the same name as the provided directory, but with the suffix "-ssl" appended. This new directory is not created here, but is expected to be created as needed.
        baseDir - the original directory, which the new directory will be created next to; it should exist
        the new directory (is not created)
      • createTestDir

        public static File createTestDir​(String name)
      • testsShouldTimeout

        public org.junit.rules.Timeout testsShouldTimeout()
        If a given IT test has a method that takes longer than a class-set default timeout, declare it failed. Note that this provides a upper bound on test times, even in the presence of Test annotations with a timeout. That is, the Test annotatation can make the timing tighter but will not be able to allow a timeout that takes longer. Defaults to no timeout and can be changed via two mechanisms 1) A given IT class can override the defaultTimeoutSeconds method if test methods in that class should have a timeout. 2) The system property "timeout.factor" is used as a multiplier for the class provided default Note that if either of these values is '0' tests will run with no timeout. The default class level timeout is set to 0.
      • defaultTimeoutSeconds

        protected int defaultTimeoutSeconds()
        time to wait per-method before declaring a timeout, in seconds.