Class MetricsFileTailer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MetricsFileTailer
    extends Object
    implements AutoCloseable
    This class allows testing of the publishing to the hadoop metrics system by processing a file for metric records (written as a line.) The file should be configured using the hadoop metrics properties as a file based sink with the prefix that is provided on instantiation of the instance. This class will simulate tail-ing a file and is intended to be run in a separate thread. When the underlying file has data written, the value returned by getLastUpdate will change, and the last line can be retrieved with getLast().
    • Constructor Detail

      • MetricsFileTailer

        public MetricsFileTailer​(String metricsPrefix)
        Create an instance that will tail a metrics file. The filename / path is determined by the sink configuration for the metrics prefix that is provided.
        metricsPrefix - the prefix in the metrics configuration.
    • Method Detail

      • getLastUpdate

        public long getLastUpdate()
        Creates a marker value that increases each time a new line is detected. Clients can use this to determine if a call to getLast() will return a new value. However, this value is NOT a timestamp and should not be interpreted as such. Furthermore, it does not indicate that the metrics being reported have changed, only that a new metrics poll took place and was written to the file. So, if clients need to observe new metrics from a new event, they need to parse the line themselves to look for changed metrics values.
        a marker value set when a new line is available.
      • getLast

        public String getLast()
        Get the last line seen in the file.
        the last line from the file.
      • parseLine

        public Map<String,​String> parseLine​(String prefix)
        The hadoop metrics file sink published records as a line with comma separated key=value pairs. This method parses the line and extracts the key, value pair from metrics that start with an optional prefix and returns them in a sort map. If the prefix is null or empty, all keys are accepted.
        prefix - optional filter - include metrics that start with provided value..
        a map of the metrics that start with AccGc
      • startDaemonThread

        public void startDaemonThread()