Package org.apache.accumulo.test.stress.random

This package contains utility classes designed to test Accumulo when large cells are being written. This is an attempt to observe the behavior Accumulo displays when compacting and reading these cells. There are two components to this package: Write and Scan. The Write provides facilities for writing random sized cells. Users can configure minimum and maximum sized portions of a cell. The portions users can configure are the row, column family, column qualifier and value. Note that the sizes are uniformly distributed between the minimum and maximum values. See WriteOptions for available options and default sizing information. The Scan provides users with the ability to query tables generated by the Write. It will pick a tablet at random and scan the entire range. The amount of times this process is done is user configurable. By default, it happens 1,024 times. Users can also specify whether or not the scan should be isolated or not. There is no shared state intended by either of these services. This allows multiple clients to be run in parallel, either on the same host or distributed across hosts.