Class CompactionStrategy

    • Constructor Detail

      • CompactionStrategy

        public CompactionStrategy()
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public void init​(Map<String,​String> options)
        The settings for the compaction strategy pulled from zookeeper. The table.compacations.major.strategy.opts part of the setting will be removed.
      • getCompactionPlan

        public abstract CompactionPlan getCompactionPlan​(MajorCompactionRequest request)
                                                  throws IOException
        Get the plan for compacting a tablets files. Called while holding the tablet lock, so it should not be doing any blocking.

        Since no blocking should be done in this method, then its unexpected that this method will throw IOException. However since its in the API, it can not be easily removed.

        request - basic details about the tablet
        the plan for a major compaction, or null to cancel the compaction.