Interface TopicReferenceStore

    • Method Detail

      • acknowledgeReference

        boolean acknowledgeReference​(ConnectionContext context,
                                     String clientId,
                                     String subscriptionName,
                                     org.apache.activemq.command.MessageId messageId)
                              throws IOException
        Removes the last acknowledged messgeID for the given subscription so that we can recover and commence dispatching messages from the last checkpoint N.B. - all messages previous to this one for a given subscriber should also be acknowledged
        context -
        clientId -
        subscriptionName -
        messageId -
        true if there are no more references to the message - or the message is null
      • recoverSubscription

        void recoverSubscription​(String clientId,
                                 String subscriptionName,
                                 MessageRecoveryListener listener)
                          throws Exception
        For the new subscription find the last acknowledged message ID and then find any new messages since then and dispatch them to the subscription.

        e.g. if we dispatched some messages to a new durable topic subscriber, then went down before acknowledging any messages, we need to know the correct point from which to recover from.

        Specified by:
        recoverSubscription in interface TopicMessageStore
        clientId -
        subscriptionName -
        listener -
      • addSubsciption

        void addSubsciption​(org.apache.activemq.command.SubscriptionInfo subscriptionInfo,
                            boolean retroactive)
                     throws IOException
        Inserts the subscriber info due to a subscription change

        If this is a new subscription and the retroactive is false, then the last message sent to the topic should be set as the last message acknowledged by they new subscription. Otherwise, if retroactive is true, then create the subscription without it having an acknowledged message so that on recovery, all message recorded for the topic get replayed.

        subscriptionInfo -
        retroactive -