Class UserIDBroker

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Broker, Region, org.apache.activemq.Service

    public class UserIDBroker
    extends BrokerFilter
    This broker filter will append the producer's user ID into the JMSXUserID header to allow folks to know reliably who the user was who produced a message. Note that you cannot trust the client, especially if working over the internet as they can spoof headers to be anything they like.
    • Method Detail

      • send

        public void send​(ProducerBrokerExchange producerExchange,
                         org.apache.activemq.command.Message messageSend)
                  throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: Region
        Send a message to the broker to using the specified destination. The destination specified in the message does not need to match the destination the message is sent to. This is handy in case the message is being sent to a dead letter destination.
        Specified by:
        send in interface Region
        send in class BrokerFilter
        producerExchange - the environment the operation is being executed under.
        Exception - TODO