Class SchedulerBroker

    • Method Detail

      • send

        public void send​(ProducerBrokerExchange producerExchange,
                         org.apache.activemq.command.Message messageSend)
                  throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: Region
        Send a message to the broker to using the specified destination. The destination specified in the message does not need to match the destination the message is sent to. This is handy in case the message is being sent to a dead letter destination.
        Specified by:
        send in interface Region
        send in class BrokerFilter
        producerExchange - the environment the operation is being executed under.
        Exception - TODO
      • scheduledJob

        public void scheduledJob​(String id,
                                 org.apache.activemq.util.ByteSequence job)
        Description copied from interface: JobListener
        A Job that has been scheduled is now ready to be fired. The Job is passed in its raw byte form and must be un-marshaled before being delivered.
        Specified by:
        scheduledJob in interface JobListener
        id - The unique Job Id of the Job that is ready to fire.
        job - The job that is now ready, delivered in byte form.
      • getMaxRepeatAllowed

        public int getMaxRepeatAllowed()
      • setMaxRepeatAllowed

        public void setMaxRepeatAllowed​(int maxRepeatAllowed)