Class JaasCertificateAuthenticationBroker

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Broker, Region, AuthenticationBroker, org.apache.activemq.Service

    public class JaasCertificateAuthenticationBroker
    extends BrokerFilter
    implements AuthenticationBroker
    A JAAS Authentication Broker that uses SSL Certificates. This class will provide the JAAS framework with a JaasCertificateCallbackHandler that will grant JAAS access to incoming connections' SSL certificate chains. NOTE: There is a chance that the incoming connection does not have a valid certificate (has null).
    • Constructor Detail

      • JaasCertificateAuthenticationBroker

        public JaasCertificateAuthenticationBroker​(Broker next,
                                                   String jaasConfiguration)
        Simple constructor. Leaves everything to superclass.
        next - The Broker that does the actual work for this Filter.
        jaasConfiguration - The JAAS domain configuration name (refere to JAAS documentation).
    • Method Detail

      • addConnection

        public void addConnection​(ConnectionContext context,
                                  org.apache.activemq.command.ConnectionInfo info)
                           throws Exception
        Overridden to allow for authentication based on client certificates. Connections being added will be authenticated based on their certificate chain and the JAAS module specified through the JAAS framework. NOTE: The security context's username will be set to the first UserPrincipal created by the login module.
        Specified by:
        addConnection in interface Broker
        addConnection in class BrokerFilter
        context - The context for the incoming Connection.
        info - The ConnectionInfo Command representing the incoming connection.
        Exception - TODO
      • removeConnection

        public void removeConnection​(ConnectionContext context,
                                     org.apache.activemq.command.ConnectionInfo info,
                                     Throwable error)
                              throws Exception
        Overriding removeConnection to make sure the security context is cleaned.
        Specified by:
        removeConnection in interface Broker
        removeConnection in class BrokerFilter
        context - the environment the operation is being executed under.
        error - null if the client requested the disconnect or the error that caused the client to disconnect.
        Exception - TODO
      • authenticate

        public SecurityContext authenticate​(String username,
                                            String password,
                                            X509Certificate[] peerCertificates)
                                     throws SecurityException
        Description copied from interface: AuthenticationBroker
        Authenticate the given user using the mechanism provided by this service.
        Specified by:
        authenticate in interface AuthenticationBroker
        username - the given user name to authenticate, null indicates an anonymous user.
        password - the given password for the user to authenticate.
        peerCertificates - for an SSL channel the certificates from remote peer.
        a new SecurityContext for the authenticated user.
        SecurityException - if the user cannot be authenticated.