Class JaasAuthenticationPlugin

    • Field Detail

      • configuration

        protected String configuration
      • discoverLoginConfig

        protected boolean discoverLoginConfig
    • Constructor Detail

      • JaasAuthenticationPlugin

        public JaasAuthenticationPlugin()
    • Method Detail

      • installPlugin

        public Broker installPlugin​(Broker broker)
        Description copied from interface: BrokerPlugin
        Installs the plugin into the interceptor chain of the broker, returning the new intercepted broker to use.
        Specified by:
        installPlugin in interface BrokerPlugin
      • getConfiguration

        public String getConfiguration()
      • setConfiguration

        public void setConfiguration​(String jaasConfiguration)
        Sets the JAAS configuration domain name used
      • isDiscoverLoginConfig

        public boolean isDiscoverLoginConfig()
      • setDiscoverLoginConfig

        public void setDiscoverLoginConfig​(boolean discoverLoginConfig)
        Enables or disables the auto-discovery of the login.config file for JAAS to initialize itself. This flag is enabled by default such that if the system property is not defined then it is set to the location of the login.config file on the classpath.
      • initialiseJaas

        protected void initialiseJaas()