Interface WSTransport.WSTransportSink

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static interface WSTransport.WSTransportSink
    WS Transport output sink, used to give the WS Transport implementation a way to produce output back to the WS connection without coupling it to the implementation.
    • Method Detail

      • onSocketOutboundText

        void onSocketOutboundText​(String data)
                           throws IOException
        Called from the Transport when new outgoing String data is ready.
        data - The newly prepared outgoing string data.
        IOException - if an error occurs or the socket doesn't support text data.
      • onSocketOutboundBinary

        void onSocketOutboundBinary​(ByteBuffer data)
                             throws IOException
        Called from the Transport when new outgoing String data is ready.
        data - The newly prepared outgoing string data.
        IOException - if an error occurs or the socket doesn't support text data.