Class inListFunction

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class inListFunction
    extends Object
    implements FilterFunction
    Filter function that matches a value against a list of values and evaluates to an indicator of membership in the list. For example:

    INLIST( SPLIT('1,2,3', ',') , '2' )

    Note that the first argument must be a List. Strings containing lists are not acceptable; for example, INLIST('1,2,3', '1'), will cause an exception to be thrown at evaluation-time.

    • Constructor Detail

      • inListFunction

        public inListFunction()
    • Method Detail

      • isValid

        public boolean isValid​(FunctionCallExpression expr)
        Check whether the given expression is a valid call of this function. Two arguments are required. Note that the evaluated results of the arguments will be compared with Object#equals().
        Specified by:
        isValid in interface FilterFunction
        expr - - the expression consisting of a call to this function.
        true - if the expression is valid; false - otherwise.
      • returnsBoolean

        public boolean returnsBoolean​(FunctionCallExpression expr)
        Check whether the given expression, which consists of a call to this function, evaluates to a Boolean. If the function can return different more than one type of value at evaluation-time, it must decide whether to cast the result to a Boolean at this time.
        Specified by:
        returnsBoolean in interface FilterFunction
        expr - - the expression consisting of a call to this function.
        true - if the expression is valid; false - otherwise.
      • evaluate

        public Object evaluate​(FunctionCallExpression expr,
                               MessageEvaluationContext message_ctx)
                        throws JMSException
        Evalutate the given expression, which consists of a call to this function, in the context given. Checks whether the second argument is a member of the list in the first argument.
        Specified by:
        evaluate in interface FilterFunction
        expr - - the expression consisting of a call to this function.
        message_ctx - - the context in which the call is being evaluated.
        Boolean - the result of the evaluation.