Class regexMatchFunction

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class regexMatchFunction extends Object implements FilterFunction
Filter function that matches a value against a regular expression.

REGEX( 'A.B', 'A-B' )

Note that the regular expression is not anchored; use the anchor characters, ^ and $, as-needed. For example, REGEX( 'AA', 'XAAX' ) evaluates to true while REGEX( '^AA$' , 'XAAX' ) evaluates to false.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • regexMatchFunction

      public regexMatchFunction()
  • Method Details

    • isValid

      public boolean isValid(FunctionCallExpression expr)
      Check whether the given expression is a valid call of this function. Two arguments are required. When evaluated, the arguments are converted to strings if they are not already strings.
      Specified by:
      isValid in interface FilterFunction
      expr - - the expression consisting of a call to this function.
      true - if the expression is valid; false - otherwise.
    • returnsBoolean

      public boolean returnsBoolean(FunctionCallExpression expr)
      Indicate that this Filter Function evaluates to a Boolean result.
      Specified by:
      returnsBoolean in interface FilterFunction
      expr - - the expression consisting of a call to this function.
      true - this function always evaluates to a Boolean result.
    • evaluate

      public Object evaluate(FunctionCallExpression expr, MessageEvaluationContext message) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Evalutate the given expression, which consists of a call to this function, in the context given. Returns an indication of whether the second argument matches the regular expression in the first argument.
      Specified by:
      evaluate in interface FilterFunction
      expr - - the expression consisting of a call to this function.
      message - - the context in which the call is being evaluated.
      true - if the value matches the regular expression; false - otherwise.
    • getCompiledPattern

      protected Pattern getCompiledPattern(String reg_ex_str)
      Retrieve a compiled pattern for the given pattern string. A cache of recently used strings is maintained to improve performance.
      reg_ex_str - - the string specifying the regular expression.
      Pattern - compiled form of the regular expression.