Uses of Package

Packages that use org.apache.activemq
The core JMS client API implementation classes.
Support for JMS Advisory messages as well as some helper listeners to listen to the clients, producers and consumers available.
Command objects used via the Command Pattern to communicate among nodes
JNDI support classes
An implementation of the J2EE Management API
The core Transport abstraction and support classes
Discovery mechanism to discover brokers and clients.
Static discovery implementation for a Master / Slave tuple
Discovery implementation using multicast
Simple discovery implementation using a static list
A discovery agent using Zeroconf via the jmDNS library
Fail-Over Transport which will automatically reconnect to a failed transport and choose one of a list of possible transport implementations to use.
Fan-out Transport implementation which ensures that a message is sent to multiple destinations such as to ensure multiple brokers received a message for non-durable topic delivery to improve redundancy
A mock implementation of the Transport layer useful for testing
A Multicast based Transport implementation.
The Reliable transport deals with out of order commands as well as dealing with checking for missed commands and possibly re-requesting the replay of dropped commands.
TCP/IP based Transport implementation.
UDP based Transport implementation.