Package org.apache.activemq.advisory

package org.apache.activemq.advisory
Support for JMS Advisory messages as well as some helper listeners to listen to the clients, producers and consumers available.
  • Class
    An event when the number of consumers on a given destination changes.
    An object which can be used to listen to the number of active consumers available on a given destination.
    Listen to the changes in the number of active consumers available for a given destination.
    An event when a new consumer has started.
    An event generated when a consumer stops.
    An event caused when a destination is created or deleted
    Listen to the changes in destinations being created or destroyed
    A helper class which keeps track of the Destinations available in a broker and allows you to listen to them being created or deleted.
    An event when the number of producers on a given destination changes.
    An object which can be used to listen to the number of active consumers available on a given destination.
    Listen to the changes in the number of active consumers available for a given destination.
    An event when a new consumer has started.
    An event generated when a consumer stops.