Interface TransportServer

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
NIOSSLTransportServer, SslTransportServer, TcpTransportServer, TransportServerFilter, TransportServerSupport, TransportServerThreadSupport, UdpTransportServer

public interface TransportServer extends Service
A TransportServer asynchronously accepts objects and then delivers those objects to a .
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Some protocols allow link stealing by default (if 2 connections have the same clientID - the youngest wins).
    For TransportServers that provide SSL connections to their connected peers they should return true here if and only if they populate the ConnectionInfo command presented to the Broker with the peers certificate chain so that the broker knows it can use that information to authenticate the connected peer.
    Registers an which is notified of accepted channels.
    Associates a broker info with the transport server so that the transport can do discovery advertisements of the broker.

    Methods inherited from interface org.apache.activemq.Service

    start, stop
  • Method Details

    • setAcceptListener

      void setAcceptListener(TransportAcceptListener acceptListener)
      Registers an which is notified of accepted channels.
      acceptListener -
    • setBrokerInfo

      void setBrokerInfo(BrokerInfo brokerInfo)
      Associates a broker info with the transport server so that the transport can do discovery advertisements of the broker.
      brokerInfo -
    • getConnectURI

      URI getConnectURI()
    • getSocketAddress

      InetSocketAddress getSocketAddress()
      The socket address that this transport is accepting connections on or null if this does not or is not currently accepting connections on a socket.
    • isSslServer

      boolean isSslServer()
      For TransportServers that provide SSL connections to their connected peers they should return true here if and only if they populate the ConnectionInfo command presented to the Broker with the peers certificate chain so that the broker knows it can use that information to authenticate the connected peer.
      true if this transport server provides SSL level security over its connections.
    • isAllowLinkStealing

      boolean isAllowLinkStealing()
      Some protocols allow link stealing by default (if 2 connections have the same clientID - the youngest wins). This is the default for AMQP and MQTT. However, JMS 1.1 spec requires the opposite
      true if allow link stealing is enabled.
    • getMaxConnectionExceededCount

      long getMaxConnectionExceededCount()
    • resetStatistics

      void resetStatistics()