Class ServiceStopper


public class ServiceStopper extends Object
A helper class used to stop a bunch of services, catching and logging any exceptions and then throwing the first exception when everything is stoped.
  • Constructor Details

    • ServiceStopper

      public ServiceStopper()
  • Method Details

    • stop

      public void stop(Service service)
      Stops the given service, catching any exceptions that are thrown.
    • run

      public void run(Callback stopClosure)
      Performs the given code to stop some service handling the exceptions which may be thrown properly
    • stopServices

      public void stopServices(List services)
      Stops a list of services
    • onException

      public void onException(Object owner, Throwable e)
    • throwFirstException

      public void throwFirstException() throws Exception
      Throws the first exception that was thrown if there was one.
    • logError

      protected void logError(Object service, Throwable e)