Class StringToListOfActiveMQDestinationConverter


public class StringToListOfActiveMQDestinationConverter extends Object
Special converter for String -> List to be used instead of a PropertyEditor which otherwise causes memory leaks as the JDK PropertyEditorManager is a static class and has strong references to classes, causing problems in hot-deployment environments.
  • Constructor Details

    • StringToListOfActiveMQDestinationConverter

      public StringToListOfActiveMQDestinationConverter()
  • Method Details

    • convertToActiveMQDestination

      public static List<ActiveMQDestination> convertToActiveMQDestination(Object value)
    • convertFromActiveMQDestination

      public static String convertFromActiveMQDestination(Object value)
    • convertFromActiveMQDestination

      public static String convertFromActiveMQDestination(Object value, boolean includeOptions)