Class ActiveMQDefaultConfiguration

  • public final class ActiveMQDefaultConfiguration
    extends Object
    Default values of ActiveMQ Artemis configuration parameters.
    • Field Detail


        public static final long DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TTL_CHECK_INTERVAL
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final long DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_FILE_REFRESH_PERIOD
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final boolean DEFAULT_AMQP_USE_CORE_SUBSCRIPTION_NAMING
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final long DEFAULT_GLOBAL_MAX_SIZE

        public static final long DEFAULT_GLOBAL_MAX_MESSAGES
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_DISK_USAGE

        public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_QUEUE_CONSUMERS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DEFAULT_CONSUMER_PRIORITY
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final SimpleString DEFAULT_LAST_VALUE_KEY

        public static final boolean DEFAULT_NON_DESTRUCTIVE
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final boolean DEFAULT_PURGE_ON_NO_CONSUMERS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final boolean DEFAULT_QUEUE_AUTO_DELETE
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final boolean DEFAULT_CREATED_QUEUE_AUTO_DELETE
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final long DEFAULT_QUEUE_AUTO_DELETE_DELAY
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final long DEFAULT_QUEUE_AUTO_DELETE_MESSAGE_COUNT
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DEFAULT_CONSUMERS_BEFORE_DISPATCH
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final long DEFAULT_DELAY_BEFORE_DISPATCH
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final boolean DEFAULT_GROUP_REBALANCE
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final boolean DEFAULT_GROUP_REBALANCE_PAUSE_DISPATCH
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final SimpleString DEFAULT_GROUP_FIRST_KEY

        public static final RoutingType DEFAULT_ROUTING_TYPE

        public static final String BROKER_PROPERTIES_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_NAME
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String BROKER_PROPERTIES_KEY_SURROUND_PROPERTY
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String BROKER_PROPERTIES_REMOVE_VALUE_PROPERTY
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static String DEFAULT_NETWORK_CHECK_LIST

        public static String DEFAULT_NETWORK_CHECK_URL_LIST

        public static long DEFAULT_NETWORK_CHECK_PERIOD

        public static int DEFAULT_NETWORK_CHECK_TIMEOUT

        public static String DEFAULT_NETWORK_CHECK_NIC

        public static boolean DEFAULT_VOTE_ON_REPLICATION_FAILURE

        public static int DEFAULT_QUORUM_SIZE

        public static final boolean DEFAULT_ANALYZE_CRITICAL
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final long DEFAULT_ANALYZE_CRITICAL_TIMEOUT
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final long DEFAULT_RETROACTIVE_MESSAGE_COUNT
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final org.apache.activemq.artemis.utils.critical.CriticalAnalyzerPolicy DEFAULT_ANALYZE_CRITICAL_POLICY

        public static int DEFAULT_BRIDGE_CONCURRENCY


        public static final long DEFAULT_EMBEDDED_WEB_SERVER_RESTART_TIMEOUT
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String DEFAULT_LITERAL_MATCH_MARKERS
    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultClientFailureCheckPeriod

        public static long getDefaultClientFailureCheckPeriod()
      • getDefaultFileDeployerScanPeriod

        public static long getDefaultFileDeployerScanPeriod()
      • getDefaultJournalMaxIoAio

        public static int getDefaultJournalMaxIoAio()
      • getDefaultJournalBufferTimeoutAio

        public static int getDefaultJournalBufferTimeoutAio()
      • getDefaultJournalBufferSizeAio

        public static int getDefaultJournalBufferSizeAio()
      • getDefaultJournalMaxIoNio

        public static int getDefaultJournalMaxIoNio()
      • getDefaultJournalBufferTimeoutNio

        public static int getDefaultJournalBufferTimeoutNio()
      • getDefaultJournalBufferSizeNio

        public static int getDefaultJournalBufferSizeNio()
      • getPropMaskPassword

        public static String getPropMaskPassword()
      • getPropPasswordCodec

        public static String getPropPasswordCodec()
      • getDefaultHapolicyType

        public static String getDefaultHapolicyType()
        what kind of HA Policy should we use
      • getDefaultHapolicyBackupStrategy

        public static String getDefaultHapolicyBackupStrategy()
        The backup strategy to use if we are a backup or for any colocated backups.
      • isDefaultResolveProtocols

        public static boolean isDefaultResolveProtocols()
        If true then the ActiveMQ Artemis Server will make use of any Protocol Managers that are in available on the classpath. If false then only the core protocol will be available, unless in Embedded mode where users can inject their own Protocol Managers.
      • isDefaultFileDeploymentEnabled

        public static boolean isDefaultFileDeploymentEnabled()
        true means that the server will load configuration from the configuration files
      • isDefaultPersistenceEnabled

        public static boolean isDefaultPersistenceEnabled()
        true means that the server will use the file based journal for persistence.
      • getDefaultMaxRedeliveryRecords

        public static int getDefaultMaxRedeliveryRecords()
      • isDefaultJournalDatasync

        public static boolean isDefaultJournalDatasync()
      • getDefaultScheduledThreadPoolMaxSize

        public static int getDefaultScheduledThreadPoolMaxSize()
        Maximum number of threads to use for the scheduled thread pool
      • getDefaultThreadPoolMaxSize

        public static int getDefaultThreadPoolMaxSize()
        Maximum number of threads to use for the thread pool. -1 means 'no limits'.
      • isDefaultSecurityEnabled

        public static boolean isDefaultSecurityEnabled()
        true means that security is enabled
      • isDefaultGracefulShutdownEnabled

        public static boolean isDefaultGracefulShutdownEnabled()
        true means that graceful shutdown is enabled
      • getDefaultGracefulShutdownTimeout

        public static long getDefaultGracefulShutdownTimeout()
        true means that graceful shutdown is enabled
      • getDefaultSecurityInvalidationInterval

        public static long getDefaultSecurityInvalidationInterval()
        how long (in ms) to wait before invalidating the security cache
      • getDefaultAuthenticationCacheSize

        public static long getDefaultAuthenticationCacheSize()
        how large to make the authentication cache
      • getDefaultAuthorizationCacheSize

        public static long getDefaultAuthorizationCacheSize()
        how large to make the authorization cache
      • getDefaultJournalLockAcquisitionTimeout

        public static long getDefaultJournalLockAcquisitionTimeout()
        how long (in ms) to wait to acquire a file lock on the journal
      • isDefaultWildcardRoutingEnabled

        public static boolean isDefaultWildcardRoutingEnabled()
        true means that the server supports wild card routing
      • getDefaultAddressPathSeparator

        public static String getDefaultAddressPathSeparator()
      • getDefaultManagementAddress

        public static SimpleString getDefaultManagementAddress()
        the name of the management address to send management messages to. It is prefixed with "jms.queue" so that JMS clients can send messages to it.
      • getDefaultManagementNotificationAddress

        public static SimpleString getDefaultManagementNotificationAddress()
        the name of the address that consumers bind to receive management notifications
      • getDefaultClusterAddress

        public static String getDefaultClusterAddress()
        The default Cluster address for the Cluster connection
      • getDefaultClusterUser

        public static String getDefaultClusterUser()
        Cluster username. It applies to all cluster configurations.
      • getDefaultClusterPassword

        public static String getDefaultClusterPassword()
        Cluster password. It applies to all cluster configurations.
      • getDefaultFederationUser

        public static String getDefaultFederationUser()
        Federation username. It applies to all federation configurations.
      • getDefaultFederationPassword

        public static String getDefaultFederationPassword()
        Federation password. It applies to all federation configurations.
      • isDefaultMaskPassword

        public static Boolean isDefaultMaskPassword()
        This option controls whether passwords in server configuration need be masked. If set to "true" the passwords are masked.
      • isDefaultJmxManagementEnabled

        public static boolean isDefaultJmxManagementEnabled()
        true means that the management API is available via JMX
      • getDefaultJmxDomain

        public static String getDefaultJmxDomain()
        the JMX domain used to registered ActiveMQ Artemis MBeans in the MBeanServer
      • isDefaultJMXUseBrokerName

        public static boolean isDefaultJMXUseBrokerName()
      • isDefaultMessageCounterEnabled

        public static boolean isDefaultMessageCounterEnabled()
        true means that message counters are enabled
      • getDefaultMessageCounterSamplePeriod

        public static long getDefaultMessageCounterSamplePeriod()
        the sample period (in ms) to use for message counters
      • getDefaultMessageCounterMaxDayHistory

        public static int getDefaultMessageCounterMaxDayHistory()
        how many days to keep message counter history
      • getDefaultConnectionTtlOverride

        public static long getDefaultConnectionTtlOverride()
        if set, this will override how long (in ms) to keep a connection alive without receiving a ping. -1 disables this setting.
      • isDefaultAsyncConnectionExecutionEnabled

        public static boolean isDefaultAsyncConnectionExecutionEnabled()
        should certain incoming packets on the server be handed off to a thread from the thread pool for processing or should they be handled on the remoting thread?
      • getDefaultTransactionTimeout

        public static long getDefaultTransactionTimeout()
        how long (in ms) before a transaction can be removed from the resource manager after create time
      • getDefaultTransactionTimeoutScanPeriod

        public static long getDefaultTransactionTimeoutScanPeriod()
        how often (in ms) to scan for timeout transactions
      • getDefaultMessageExpiryScanPeriod

        public static long getDefaultMessageExpiryScanPeriod()
        how often (in ms) to scan for expired messages
      • getDefaultMessageExpiryThreadPriority

        public static int getDefaultMessageExpiryThreadPriority()
        the priority of the thread expiring messages
      • getDefaultAddressQueueScanPeriod

        public static long getDefaultAddressQueueScanPeriod()
        how often (in ms) to scan for addresses and queues which should be deleted
      • getDefaultIdCacheSize

        public static int getDefaultIdCacheSize()
        the size of the cache for pre-creating message ID's
      • isDefaultPersistIdCache

        public static boolean isDefaultPersistIdCache()
        true means that ID's are persisted to the journal
      • isDefaultPersistDeliveryCountBeforeDelivery

        public static boolean isDefaultPersistDeliveryCountBeforeDelivery()
        True means that the delivery count is persisted before delivery. False means that this only happens after a message has been cancelled.
      • getDefaultPagingDir

        public static String getDefaultPagingDir()
        the directory to store paged messages in
      • getDefaultBindingsDirectory

        public static String getDefaultBindingsDirectory()
        the directory to store the persisted bindings to
      • isDefaultCreateBindingsDir

        public static boolean isDefaultCreateBindingsDir()
        true means that the server will create the bindings directory on start up
      • getDefaultMaxConcurrentPageIo

        public static int getDefaultMaxConcurrentPageIo()
        The max number of concurrent reads allowed on paging
      • isDefaultReadWholePage

        public static boolean isDefaultReadWholePage()
      • getDefaultJournalDir

        public static String getDefaultJournalDir()
        the directory to store the journal files in
      • getDefaultDataDir

        public static String getDefaultDataDir()
        the directory to store the journal files in
      • isDefaultCreateJournalDir

        public static boolean isDefaultCreateJournalDir()
        true means that the journal directory will be created
      • isDefaultJournalSyncTransactional

        public static boolean isDefaultJournalSyncTransactional()
        if true wait for transaction data to be synchronized to the journal before returning response to client
      • isDefaultLargeMessageSync

        public static boolean isDefaultLargeMessageSync()
      • isDefaultJournalSyncNonTransactional

        public static boolean isDefaultJournalSyncNonTransactional()
        if true wait for non transaction data to be synced to the journal before returning response to client.
      • isDefaultJournalLogWriteRate

        public static boolean isDefaultJournalLogWriteRate()
        Whether to log messages about the journal write rate
      • getDefaultJournalFileSize

        public static int getDefaultJournalFileSize()
        the size (in bytes) of each journal file
      • getDefaultJournalMinFiles

        public static int getDefaultJournalMinFiles()
        how many journal files to pre-create
      • getDefaultJournalPoolFiles

        public static int getDefaultJournalPoolFiles()
        How many journal files can be resued
      • getDefaultJournalCompactPercentage

        public static int getDefaultJournalCompactPercentage()
        The percentage of live data on which we consider compacting the journal
      • getDefaultJournalFileOpenTimeout

        public static int getDefaultJournalFileOpenTimeout()
      • getDefaultJournalCompactMinFiles

        public static int getDefaultJournalCompactMinFiles()
        The minimal number of data files before we can start compacting
      • getDefaultJournalMaxAtticFiles

        public static int getDefaultJournalMaxAtticFiles()
        how many journal files to be stored in the attic.
      • getDefaultServerDumpInterval

        public static long getDefaultServerDumpInterval()
        Interval to log server specific information (e.g. memory usage etc)
      • getDefaultMemoryWarningThreshold

        public static int getDefaultMemoryWarningThreshold()
        Percentage of available memory which will trigger a warning log
      • getDefaultMemoryMeasureInterval

        public static long getDefaultMemoryMeasureInterval()
        frequency to sample JVM memory in ms (or -1 to disable memory sampling)
      • getDefaultLargeMessagesDir

        public static String getDefaultLargeMessagesDir()
        the directory to store large messages
      • getDefaultBroadcastPeriod

        public static long getDefaultBroadcastPeriod()
        period in milliseconds between consecutive broadcasts
      • getDefaultBroadcastRefreshTimeout

        public static int getDefaultBroadcastRefreshTimeout()
        Period the discovery group waits after receiving the last broadcast from a particular server before removing that servers connector pair entry from its list.
      • getDefaultConnectionTtl

        public static long getDefaultConnectionTtl()
        how long to keep a connection alive in the absence of any data arriving from the client. This should be greater than the ping period.
      • getDefaultRetryIntervalMultiplier

        public static double getDefaultRetryIntervalMultiplier()
        multiplier to apply to successive retry intervals
      • getDefaultMaxRetryInterval

        public static long getDefaultMaxRetryInterval()
        Limit to the retry-interval growth (due to retry-interval-multiplier)
      • getDefaultBridgeInitialConnectAttempts

        public static int getDefaultBridgeInitialConnectAttempts()
        maximum number of initial connection attempts, -1 means 'no limits'
      • getDefaultBridgeReconnectAttempts

        public static int getDefaultBridgeReconnectAttempts()
        maximum number of retry attempts, -1 means 'no limits'
      • isDefaultBridgeDuplicateDetection

        public static boolean isDefaultBridgeDuplicateDetection()
        should duplicate detection headers be inserted in forwarded messages?
      • getDefaultBridgeConfirmationWindowSize

        public static int getDefaultBridgeConfirmationWindowSize()
        Once the bridge has received this many bytes, it sends a confirmation
      • getDefaultBridgeProducerWindowSize

        public static int getDefaultBridgeProducerWindowSize()
        Producer flow control
      • getDefaultBridgeConnectSameNode

        public static int getDefaultBridgeConnectSameNode()
        Upon reconnection this configures the number of time the same node on the topology will be retried before reseting the server locator and using the initial connectors
      • getDefaultClusterFailureCheckPeriod

        public static long getDefaultClusterFailureCheckPeriod()
        The period (in milliseconds) used to check if the cluster connection has failed to receive pings from another server
      • getDefaultClusterConnectionTtl

        public static long getDefaultClusterConnectionTtl()
        how long to keep a connection alive in the absence of any data arriving from the client
      • getDefaultClusterCallTimeout

        public static long getDefaultClusterCallTimeout()
        How long to wait for a reply
      • getDefaultClusterRetryInterval

        public static long getDefaultClusterRetryInterval()
        period (in ms) between successive retries
      • getDefaultClusterRetryIntervalMultiplier

        public static double getDefaultClusterRetryIntervalMultiplier()
        multiplier to apply to the retry-interval
      • getDefaultClusterMaxRetryInterval

        public static long getDefaultClusterMaxRetryInterval()
        Maximum value for retry-interval
      • getDefaultClusterInitialConnectAttempts

        public static int getDefaultClusterInitialConnectAttempts()
        How many attempts should be made to connect initially
      • getDefaultClusterReconnectAttempts

        public static int getDefaultClusterReconnectAttempts()
        How many attempts should be made to reconnect after failure
      • isDefaultClusterDuplicateDetection

        public static boolean isDefaultClusterDuplicateDetection()
        should duplicate detection headers be inserted in forwarded messages?
      • isDefaultClusterForwardWhenNoConsumers

        public static boolean isDefaultClusterForwardWhenNoConsumers()
      • getDefaultClusterMessageLoadBalancingType

        public static String getDefaultClusterMessageLoadBalancingType()
        should messages be load balanced if there are no matching consumers on target?
      • getDefaultClusterMaxHops

        public static int getDefaultClusterMaxHops()
        maximum number of hops cluster topology is propagated
      • getDefaultClusterConfirmationWindowSize

        public static int getDefaultClusterConfirmationWindowSize()
        The size (in bytes) of the window used for confirming data from the server connected to.
      • getDefaultClusterCallFailoverTimeout

        public static long getDefaultClusterCallFailoverTimeout()
        How long to wait for a reply if in the middle of a fail-over. -1 means wait forever.
      • getDefaultClusterNotificationInterval

        public static long getDefaultClusterNotificationInterval()
        how often the cluster connection will notify the cluster of its existence right after joining the cluster
      • getDefaultClusterNotificationAttempts

        public static int getDefaultClusterNotificationAttempts()
        how many times this cluster connection will notify the cluster of its existence right after joining the cluster
      • isDefaultDivertExclusive

        public static boolean isDefaultDivertExclusive()
        whether this is an exclusive divert
      • getDefaultDivertRoutingType

        public static String getDefaultDivertRoutingType()
        how the divert should handle the message's routing type
      • getDefaultBridgeRoutingType

        public static String getDefaultBridgeRoutingType()
        how the bridge should handle the message's routing type
      • isDefaultHapolicyRequestBackup

        public static boolean isDefaultHapolicyRequestBackup()
        If true then the server will request a backup on another node
      • getDefaultHapolicyBackupRequestRetries

        public static int getDefaultHapolicyBackupRequestRetries()
        How many times the primary server will try to request a backup, -1 means for ever.
      • getDefaultHapolicyBackupRequestRetryInterval

        public static long getDefaultHapolicyBackupRequestRetryInterval()
        How long to wait for retries between attempts to request a backup server.
      • getDefaultHapolicyMaxBackups

        public static int getDefaultHapolicyMaxBackups()
        Whether or not this server will accept backup requests from other servers.
      • getDefaultHapolicyBackupPortOffset

        public static int getDefaultHapolicyBackupPortOffset()
        The offset to use for the Connectors and Acceptors when creating a new backup server.
      • isDefaultCheckForActiveServer

        public static boolean isDefaultCheckForActiveServer()
        Whether to check the cluster for an active server using our own server ID when starting up. This option is only necessary for performing 'fail-back' on replicating servers. Strictly speaking this setting only applies to primary servers and not to backups.
      • getDefaultMaxSavedReplicatedJournalsSize

        public static int getDefaultMaxSavedReplicatedJournalsSize()
        This specifies how many times a replicated backup server can restart after moving its files on start. Once there are this number of backup journal files the server will stop permanently after if fails back.
      • isDefaultRestartBackup

        public static boolean isDefaultRestartBackup()
        Will this server, if a backup, restart once it has been stopped because of failback or scaling down.
      • isDefaultAllowAutoFailback

        public static boolean isDefaultAllowAutoFailback()
        Whether a server will automatically stop when another places a request to take over its place. The use case is when a regular server stops and its backup takes over its duties, later the main server restarts and requests the server (the former backup) to stop operating.
      • getDefaultInitialReplicationSyncTimeout

        public static long getDefaultInitialReplicationSyncTimeout()
        if we have to start as a replicated server this is the delay to wait before fail-back occurs
      • getDefaultFailbackDelay

        public static long getDefaultFailbackDelay()
        use getDefaultInitialReplicationSyncTimeout()
        if we have to start as a replicated server this is the delay to wait before fail-back occurs
      • isDefaultFailoverOnServerShutdown

        public static boolean isDefaultFailoverOnServerShutdown()
        Will this backup server become active on a normal server shutdown
      • isDefaultWaitForActivation

        public static boolean isDefaultWaitForActivation()
        Will a shared-store primary startup wait for activation
      • isDefaultPopulateValidatedUser

        public static boolean isDefaultPopulateValidatedUser()
        Will the broker populate the message with the name of the validated user
      • isDefaultRejectEmptyValidatedUser

        public static boolean isDefaultRejectEmptyValidatedUser()
      • isDefaultScaleDownEnabled

        public static boolean isDefaultScaleDownEnabled()
        its possible that you only want a server to partake in scale down as a receiver, via a group. In this case set scale-down to false
      • getDefaultGroupingHandlerTimeout

        public static int getDefaultGroupingHandlerTimeout()
        How long to wait for a decision
      • getDefaultGroupingHandlerGroupTimeout

        public static int getDefaultGroupingHandlerGroupTimeout()
        How long a group binding will be used, -1 means for ever. Bindings are removed after this wait elapses. On the remote node this is used to determine how often you should re-query the main coordinator in order to update the last time used accordingly.
      • getDefaultGroupingHandlerReaperPeriod

        public static long getDefaultGroupingHandlerReaperPeriod()
        How often the reaper will be run to check for timed out group bindings. Only valid for LOCAL handlers
      • getDefaultStoreType

        public static String getDefaultStoreType()
        The default storage type. Options are FILE and DATABASE.
      • getDefaultDatabaseUrl

        public static String getDefaultDatabaseUrl()
        The default database URL, used with DATABASE store type.
      • getDefaultMessageTableName

        public static String getDefaultMessageTableName()
        The default Message Journal table name, used with DATABASE store.
      • getDefaultBindingsTableName

        public static String getDefaultBindingsTableName()
      • getDefaultDriverClassName

        public static String getDefaultDriverClassName()
      • getDefaultDataSourceClassName

        public static String getDefaultDataSourceClassName()
      • getDefaultLargeMessagesTableName

        public static String getDefaultLargeMessagesTableName()
      • getDefaultPageStoreTableName

        public static String getDefaultPageStoreTableName()
      • getDefaultNodeManagerStoreTableName

        public static String getDefaultNodeManagerStoreTableName()
      • getDefaultJdbcNetworkTimeout

        public static int getDefaultJdbcNetworkTimeout()
      • getDefaultJdbcLockRenewPeriodMillis

        public static long getDefaultJdbcLockRenewPeriodMillis()
      • getDefaultJdbcJournalSyncPeriodMillis

        public static long getDefaultJdbcJournalSyncPeriodMillis()
      • getDefaultJdbcLockExpirationMillis

        public static long getDefaultJdbcLockExpirationMillis()
      • getDefaultJdbcLockAcquisitionTimeoutMillis

        public static long getDefaultJdbcLockAcquisitionTimeoutMillis()
      • getDefaultJdbcAllowedTimeDiffMillis

        public static long getDefaultJdbcAllowedTimeDiffMillis()
      • getDefaultJdbcMaxPageSizeBytes

        public static int getDefaultJdbcMaxPageSizeBytes()
      • getDefaultConnectionTtlCheckInterval

        public static long getDefaultConnectionTtlCheckInterval()
      • getDefaultConfigurationFileRefreshPeriod

        public static long getDefaultConfigurationFileRefreshPeriod()
      • getDefaultAmqpUseCoreSubscriptionNaming

        public static boolean getDefaultAmqpUseCoreSubscriptionNaming()
      • getDefaultMaxGlobalSize

        public static long getDefaultMaxGlobalSize()
        The default global max size. -1 = no global max size.
      • getDefaultMaxGlobalMessages

        public static long getDefaultMaxGlobalMessages()
      • getDefaultMaxDiskUsage

        public static int getDefaultMaxDiskUsage()
      • getDefaultMinDiskFree

        public static long getDefaultMinDiskFree()
      • getDefaultDiskScanPeriod

        public static int getDefaultDiskScanPeriod()
      • getDefaultMaxQueueConsumers

        public static int getDefaultMaxQueueConsumers()
      • getDefaultConsumerPriority

        public static int getDefaultConsumerPriority()
      • getDefaultExclusive

        public static boolean getDefaultExclusive()
      • getDefaultLastValue

        public static boolean getDefaultLastValue()
      • getDefaultLastValueKey

        public static SimpleString getDefaultLastValueKey()
      • getDefaultNonDestructive

        public static boolean getDefaultNonDestructive()
      • getDefaultPurgeOnNoConsumers

        public static boolean getDefaultPurgeOnNoConsumers()
      • getDefaultEnabled

        public static boolean getDefaultEnabled()
      • getDefaultInternal

        public static boolean getDefaultInternal()
      • getDefaultQueueAutoDelete

        public static boolean getDefaultQueueAutoDelete​(boolean autoCreated)
      • getDefaultQueueAutoDelete

        public static boolean getDefaultQueueAutoDelete()
      • getDefaultCreatedQueueAutoDelete

        public static boolean getDefaultCreatedQueueAutoDelete()
      • getDefaultQueueAutoDeleteDelay

        public static long getDefaultQueueAutoDeleteDelay()
      • getDefaultQueueAutoDeleteMessageCount

        public static long getDefaultQueueAutoDeleteMessageCount()
      • getDefaultRingSize

        public static long getDefaultRingSize()
      • getDefaultRetroactiveMessageCount

        public static long getDefaultRetroactiveMessageCount()
      • getDefaultConsumersBeforeDispatch

        public static int getDefaultConsumersBeforeDispatch()
      • getDefaultDelayBeforeDispatch

        public static long getDefaultDelayBeforeDispatch()
      • getDefaultGroupBuckets

        public static int getDefaultGroupBuckets()
      • getDefaultGroupRebalance

        public static boolean getDefaultGroupRebalance()
      • getDefaultGroupRebalancePauseDispatch

        public static boolean getDefaultGroupRebalancePauseDispatch()
      • getDefaultGroupFirstKey

        public static SimpleString getDefaultGroupFirstKey()
      • getInternalNamingPrefix

        public static String getInternalNamingPrefix()
      • getDefaultRoutingType

        public static RoutingType getDefaultRoutingType()
      • getDefaultSystemPropertyPrefix

        public static String getDefaultSystemPropertyPrefix()
      • getDefaultSystemWebPropertyPrefix

        public static String getDefaultSystemWebPropertyPrefix()
      • getDefaultBrokerPropertiesKeySurround

        public static String getDefaultBrokerPropertiesKeySurround()
      • getDefaultBrokerPropertiesRemoveValue

        public static String getDefaultBrokerPropertiesRemoveValue()
      • getDefaultNetworkCheckList

        public static String getDefaultNetworkCheckList()
      • getDefaultNetworkCheckURLList

        public static String getDefaultNetworkCheckURLList()
      • getDefaultNetworkCheckPeriod

        public static long getDefaultNetworkCheckPeriod()
      • getDefaultNetworkCheckTimeout

        public static int getDefaultNetworkCheckTimeout()
      • getDefaultNetworkCheckNic

        public static String getDefaultNetworkCheckNic()
      • getDefaultVoteOnReplicationFailure

        public static boolean getDefaultVoteOnReplicationFailure()
      • getDefaultQuorumSize

        public static int getDefaultQuorumSize()
      • getCriticalAnalyzer

        public static boolean getCriticalAnalyzer()
      • getCriticalAnalyzerTimeout

        public static long getCriticalAnalyzerTimeout()
      • getCriticalAnalyzerCheckPeriod

        public static long getCriticalAnalyzerCheckPeriod​(long timeout)
      • getCriticalAnalyzerPolicy

        public static org.apache.activemq.artemis.utils.critical.CriticalAnalyzerPolicy getCriticalAnalyzerPolicy()
      • getDefaultVoteRetries

        public static int getDefaultVoteRetries()
      • getDefaultVoteRetryWait

        public static long getDefaultVoteRetryWait()
      • getDefaultQuorumVoteWait

        public static int getDefaultQuorumVoteWait()
      • getDefaultRetryReplicationWait

        public static long getDefaultRetryReplicationWait()
      • getDefaultFederationFailureCheckPeriod

        public static long getDefaultFederationFailureCheckPeriod()
        The period (in milliseconds) used to check if the federation connection has failed to receive pings from another server
      • getDefaultFederationConnectionTtl

        public static long getDefaultFederationConnectionTtl()
        how long to keep a connection alive in the absence of any data arriving from the client
      • getDefaultFederationCallTimeout

        public static long getDefaultFederationCallTimeout()
        How long to wait for a reply
      • getDefaultFederationRetryInterval

        public static long getDefaultFederationRetryInterval()
        period (in ms) between successive retries
      • getDefaultFederationRetryIntervalMultiplier

        public static double getDefaultFederationRetryIntervalMultiplier()
        multiplier to apply to the retry-interval
      • getDefaultFederationMaxRetryInterval

        public static long getDefaultFederationMaxRetryInterval()
        Maximum value for retry-interval
      • getDefaultFederationInitialConnectAttempts

        public static int getDefaultFederationInitialConnectAttempts()
        How many attempts should be made to connect initially
      • getDefaultFederationReconnectAttempts

        public static int getDefaultFederationReconnectAttempts()
        How many attempts should be made to reconnect after failure
      • getDefaultFederationCallFailoverTimeout

        public static long getDefaultFederationCallFailoverTimeout()
        How long to wait for a reply if in the middle of a fail-over. -1 means wait forever.
      • getDefaultJvmMemoryMetrics

        public static boolean getDefaultJvmMemoryMetrics()
        Whether or not to report JVM memory metrics
      • getDefaultJvmGcMetrics

        public static boolean getDefaultJvmGcMetrics()
        Whether or not to report JVM GC metrics
      • getDefaultJvmThreadMetrics

        public static boolean getDefaultJvmThreadMetrics()
        Whether or not to report JVM thread metrics
      • getDefaultTemporaryQueueNamespace

        public static String getDefaultTemporaryQueueNamespace()
      • getDefaultDistributedPrimitiveManagerClassName

        public static String getDefaultDistributedPrimitiveManagerClassName()
      • getDefaultBridgeConcurrency

        public static int getDefaultBridgeConcurrency()
      • getDefaultNettyPoolMetrics

        public static Boolean getDefaultNettyPoolMetrics()
        Whether or not to report Netty pool metrics
      • getDefaultFileDescriptorsMetrics

        public static Boolean getDefaultFileDescriptorsMetrics()
        Whether or not to report file descriptor metrics
      • getDefaultProcessorMetrics

        public static Boolean getDefaultProcessorMetrics()
        Whether or not to report processor metrics
      • getDefaultUptimeMetrics

        public static Boolean getDefaultUptimeMetrics()
        Whether or not to report uptime metrics
      • getMqttSessionScanInterval

        public static long getMqttSessionScanInterval()
        How often (in ms) to scan for expired MQTT sessions
      • getMqttSessionStatePersistenceTimeout

        public static long getMqttSessionStatePersistenceTimeout()
        How long (in ms) to wait to persist MQTT session state
      • getDefaultSuppressSessionNotifications

        public static boolean getDefaultSuppressSessionNotifications()
      • getDefaultEmbeddedWebServerRestartTimeout

        public static long getDefaultEmbeddedWebServerRestartTimeout()
      • getLiteralMatchMarkers

        public static String getLiteralMatchMarkers()