Class BZip2

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class BZip2
    extends Pack
    Compresses a file with the BZIP2 algorithm. Normally used to compress non-compressed archives such as TAR files.
    Ant 1.5
    • Constructor Detail

      • BZip2

        public BZip2()
    • Method Detail

      • pack

        protected void pack()
        Compress the zipFile.
        Specified by:
        pack in class Pack
      • supportsNonFileResources

        protected boolean supportsNonFileResources()
        Whether this task can deal with non-file resources.

        This implementation returns true only if this task is <bzip2>. Any subclass of this class that also wants to support non-file resources needs to override this method. We need to do so for backwards compatibility reasons since we can't expect subclasses to support resources.

        supportsNonFileResources in class Pack
        true if this task support non file resources.
        Ant 1.7