Class XMLValidateTask

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class XMLValidateTask
    extends Task
    Checks XML files are valid (or only well formed). The task uses the SAX2 parser implementation provided by JAXP by default (probably the one that is used by Ant itself), but one can specify any SAX1/2 parser if needed.
    • Field Detail


        protected static final java.lang.String INIT_FAILED_MSG
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • failOnError

        protected boolean failOnError
      • warn

        protected boolean warn
      • lenient

        protected boolean lenient
      • readerClassName

        protected java.lang.String readerClassName
      • file

        protected file
        file to be validated
      • filesets

        protected java.util.Vector<FileSet> filesets
        sets of file to be validated
      • classpath

        protected Path classpath
      • xmlReader

        protected org.xml.sax.XMLReader xmlReader
        the parser is viewed as a SAX2 XMLReader. If a SAX1 parser is specified, it's wrapped in an adapter that make it behave as a XMLReader. a more 'standard' way of doing this would be to use the JAXP1.1 SAXParser interface.

        public static final java.lang.String MESSAGE_FILES_VALIDATED
        Message for successful validation
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • XMLValidateTask

        public XMLValidateTask()
    • Method Detail

      • setFailOnError

        public void setFailOnError​(boolean fail)
        Specify how parser error are to be handled. Optional, default is true.

        If set to true (default), throw a buildException if the parser yields an error.

        fail - if set to false do not fail on error
      • setWarn

        public void setWarn​(boolean bool)
        Specify how parser error are to be handled.

        If set to true (default), log a warn message for each SAX warn event.

        bool - if set to false do not send warnings
      • setLenient

        public void setLenient​(boolean bool)
        Specify whether the parser should be validating. Default is true.

        If set to false, the validation will fail only if the parsed document is not well formed XML.

        this option is ignored if the specified class with setClassName(String) is not a SAX2 XMLReader.

        bool - if set to false only fail on malformed XML
      • setClassName

        public void setClassName​(java.lang.String className)
        Specify the class name of the SAX parser to be used. (optional)
        className - should be an implementation of SAX2 org.xml.sax.XMLReader or SAX2 org.xml.sax.Parser.

        If className is an implementation of org.xml.sax.Parser, setLenient(boolean), will be ignored.

        If not set, the default will be used.

        See Also:
        XMLReader, Parser
      • setClasspath

        public void setClasspath​(Path classpath)
        Specify the classpath to be searched to load the parser (optional)
        classpath - the classpath to load the parser
      • setFile

        public void setFile​( file)
        specify the file to be checked; optional.
        file - the file to be checked
      • addConfiguredXMLCatalog

        public void addConfiguredXMLCatalog​(XMLCatalog catalog)
        add an XMLCatalog as a nested element; optional.
        catalog - XMLCatalog to use
      • addFileset

        public void addFileset​(FileSet set)
        specify a set of file to be checked
        set - the fileset to check
      • createAttribute

        public XMLValidateTask.Attribute createAttribute()
        Add an attribute nested element. This is used for setting arbitrary features of the SAX parser. Valid attributes include
        attribute created
      • createProperty

        public XMLValidateTask.Property createProperty()
        Creates a property.
        a property.
        ant 1.6.2
      • init

        public void init()
                  throws BuildException
        Called by the project to let the task initialize properly.
        init in class Task
        BuildException - if something goes wrong with the build
      • createDTD

        public DTDLocation createDTD()
        Create a DTD location record; optional. This stores the location of a DTD. The DTD is identified by its public Id.
        created DTD location
      • getEntityResolver

        protected org.xml.sax.EntityResolver getEntityResolver()
        accessor to the xmlCatalog used in the task
        xmlCatalog reference
      • onSuccessfulValidation

        protected void onSuccessfulValidation​(int fileProcessed)
        handler called on successful file validation.
        fileProcessed - number of files processed.
      • initValidator

        protected void initValidator()
        init the parser : load the parser class, and set features if necessary It is only after this that the reader is valid
        BuildException - if something went wrong
      • isSax1Parser

        protected boolean isSax1Parser()
        test that returns true if we are using a SAX1 parser.
        true when a SAX1 parser is in use
      • createXmlReader

        protected org.xml.sax.XMLReader createXmlReader()
        create the XML reader. This is one by instantiating anything specified by readerClassName, falling back to a default reader if not. If the returned reader is an instance of ParserAdapter then we have created and wrapped a SAX1 parser.
        the new XMLReader.
      • cleanup

        protected void cleanup()
        Cleans up resources.
        Ant 1.8.0
      • createDefaultReader

        protected org.xml.sax.XMLReader createDefaultReader()
        Create a reader if the use of the class did not specify another one. If a BuildException is thrown, the caller may revert to an alternate reader.
        a new reader.
        BuildException - if something went wrong
      • setFeature

        protected void setFeature​(java.lang.String feature,
                                  boolean value)
                           throws BuildException
        Set a feature on the parser.
        feature - the name of the feature to set
        value - the value of the feature
        BuildException - if the feature was not supported
      • setProperty

        protected void setProperty​(java.lang.String name,
                                   java.lang.String value)
                            throws BuildException
        Sets a property.
        name - a property name
        value - a property value.
        BuildException - if an error occurs.
        BuildException - if the property was not supported
      • doValidate

        protected boolean doValidate​( afile)
        parse the file
        afile - the file to validate.
        true if the file validates.