Class ChangeStreamResultSetMetadata

  • public class ChangeStreamResultSetMetadata
    extends java.lang.Object
    Represents telemetry metadata gathered during the consumption of a change stream query. Within this class the caller will be able to retrieve the following information:
    • The timestamp at which the query first started.
    • The timestamp at which a record streaming started.
    • The timestamp at which a record streaming ended.
    • The timestamp at which a record was read by the caller.
    • The total time for streaming all records within the query.
    • The total number of records streamed within the query.
    • Method Detail

      • getQueryStartedAt

        public getQueryStartedAt()
        Returns the timestamp at which the change stream query for a ChangeStreamResultSet first started.
      • getRecordStreamStartedAt

        public getRecordStreamStartedAt()
        Returns the timestamp at which a record first started to be streamed.
      • getRecordStreamEndedAt

        public getRecordStreamEndedAt()
        Returns the timestamp at which a record finished to be streamed.
      • getRecordReadAt

        public getRecordReadAt()
        Returns the timestamp at which a record was read from the ChangeStreamResultSet.
      • getTotalStreamDuration

        public org.joda.time.Duration getTotalStreamDuration()
        Returns the total stream duration of change stream records so far.
      • getNumberOfRecordsRead

        public long getNumberOfRecordsRead()
        Returns the total number of records read from the change stream so far.