Interface Route

    • Method Detail

      • getId

        String getId()
        Gets the route id
        the route id
      • isCustomId

        boolean isCustomId()
        Whether the route id is custom assigned or auto assigned
        true if custom id, false if auto assigned id
      • getGroup

        String getGroup()
        Gets the route group
        the route group
      • getUptime

        String getUptime()
        Gets the uptime in a human-readable format
        the uptime in days/hours/minutes
      • getUptimeMillis

        long getUptimeMillis()
        Gets the uptime in milliseconds
        the uptime in milliseconds
      • getConsumer

        Consumer getConsumer()
        Gets the inbound Consumer
        the inbound consumer
      • supportsSuspension

        boolean supportsSuspension()
        Whether or not the route supports suspension (suspend and resume)
        true if this route supports suspension
      • getProperties

        Map<String,​Object> getProperties()
        This property map is used to associate information about the route.
      • getDescription

        String getDescription()
        Gets the route description (if any has been configured).

        The description is configured using the DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY as key in the getProperties().

        the description, or null if no description has been configured.
      • getConfigurationId

        String getConfigurationId()
        Gets the route configuration id(s) the route has been applied with. Multiple ids is separated by comma.

        The configuration ids is configured using the CONFIGURATION_ID_PROPERTY as key in the getProperties().

        the configuration, or null if no configuration has been configured.
      • getSourceResource

        Resource getSourceResource()
        Gets the source resource that this route is located from
        the source, or null if this route is not loaded from a resource
      • getSourceLocation

        String getSourceLocation()
        The source:line-number where the route input is located in the source code
      • getCamelContext

        CamelContext getCamelContext()
        Gets the camel context
        the camel context
      • getEndpoint

        Endpoint getEndpoint()
        Gets the input endpoint for this route.
        the endpoint
      • initializeServices

        void initializeServices()
                         throws Exception
        A strategy callback allowing special initialization when services are initializing.
        Exception - is thrown in case of error
      • getServices

        List<Service> getServices()
        Returns the services for this particular route
        the services
      • addService

        void addService​(Service service)
        Adds a service to this route
        service - the service
      • filter

        List<Processor> filter​(String pattern)
        Returns a list of all the Processors from this route that has id's matching the pattern
        pattern - the pattern to match by ids
        a list of Processor, is never null.
      • warmUp

        void warmUp()
        Callback preparing the route to be started, by warming up the route.
      • getLastError

        RouteError getLastError()
        Gets the last error that happened during changing the route lifecycle, i.e. such as when an exception was thrown during starting the route.

        This is only errors for route lifecycle changes, it is not exceptions thrown during routing messsages with the Camel routing engine.

        the error
      • setLastError

        void setLastError​(RouteError error)
        Sets the last error that happened during changing the route lifecycle, i.e. such as when an exception was thrown during starting the route.

        This is only errors for route lifecycle changes, it is not exceptions thrown during routing messsages with the Camel routing engine.

        error - the error
      • getStartupOrder

        Integer getStartupOrder()
        Gets the route startup order
      • setStartupOrder

        void setStartupOrder​(Integer startupOrder)
        Sets the route startup order
      • setRouteController

        void setRouteController​(RouteController controller)
        Sets the RouteController for this route.
        controller - the RouteController
      • setAutoStartup

        void setAutoStartup​(Boolean autoStartup)
        Sets whether the route should automatically start when Camel starts.

        Default is true to always start up.

        Specified by:
        setAutoStartup in interface RuntimeConfiguration
        autoStartup - whether to start up automatically.
      • isAutoStartup

        Boolean isAutoStartup()
        Gets whether the route should automatically start when Camel starts.

        Default is true to always start up.

        Specified by:
        isAutoStartup in interface RuntimeConfiguration
        true if route should automatically start
      • getRouteId

        String getRouteId()
        Gets the route id
      • getRouteDescription

        String getRouteDescription()
        Gets the route description
      • getRoute

        NamedNode getRoute()
        Get the route type. Important: is null after the route has been created.
        the route type during creation of the route, is null after the route has been created.
      • clearRouteModel

        void clearRouteModel()
        Clears the route model when its no longer needed.
      • getEventDrivenProcessors

        List<Processor> getEventDrivenProcessors()
        This method retrieves the event driven Processors on this route context.
      • getInterceptStrategies

        List<InterceptStrategy> getInterceptStrategies()
        This method retrieves the InterceptStrategy instances this route context.
        the strategy
      • setManagementInterceptStrategy

        void setManagementInterceptStrategy​(ManagementInterceptStrategy interceptStrategy)
        Sets a special intercept strategy for management.

        Is by default used to correlate managed performance counters with processors when the runtime route is being constructed

        interceptStrategy - the managed intercept strategy
      • getManagementInterceptStrategy

        ManagementInterceptStrategy getManagementInterceptStrategy()
        Gets the special managed intercept strategy if any
        the managed intercept strategy, or null if not managed
      • getRoutePolicyList

        List<RoutePolicy> getRoutePolicyList()
        Gets the route policy List
        the route policy list if any
      • setErrorHandlerFactory

        void setErrorHandlerFactory​(ErrorHandlerFactory errorHandlerFactory)
      • setOnCompletion

        void setOnCompletion​(String onCompletionId,
                             Processor processor)
      • setOnException

        void setOnException​(String onExceptionId,
                            Processor processor)
      • addErrorHandler

        void addErrorHandler​(ErrorHandlerFactory factory,
                             NamedNode exception)
        Adds error handler for the given exception type
        factory - the error handler factory
        exception - the exception to handle
      • getErrorHandlers

        Set<NamedNode> getErrorHandlers​(ErrorHandlerFactory factory)
        Gets the error handlers
        factory - the error handler factory
      • addErrorHandlerFactoryReference

        void addErrorHandlerFactoryReference​(ErrorHandlerFactory source,
                                             ErrorHandlerFactory target)
        Link the error handlers from a factory to another
        source - the source factory
        target - the target factory