Interface ThreadPoolFactory

  • public interface ThreadPoolFactory
    Creates ExecutorService and ScheduledExecutorService objects that work with a thread pool for a given ThreadPoolProfile and ThreadFactory. This interface allows to customize the creation of these objects to adapt camel for application servers and other environments where thread pools should not be created with the jdk methods
    • Method Detail

      • newCachedThreadPool

        ExecutorService newCachedThreadPool​(ThreadFactory threadFactory)
        Creates a new cached thread pool

        The cached thread pool is a term from the JDK from the method Executors.newCachedThreadPool(). Typically it will have no size limit (this is why it is handled separately

        threadFactory - factory for creating threads
        the created thread pool
      • newThreadPool

        ExecutorService newThreadPool​(ThreadPoolProfile profile,
                                      ThreadFactory threadFactory)
        Create a thread pool using the given thread pool profile
        profile - parameters of the thread pool
        threadFactory - factory for creating threads
        the created thread pool
      • newScheduledThreadPool

        ScheduledExecutorService newScheduledThreadPool​(ThreadPoolProfile profile,
                                                        ThreadFactory threadFactory)
        Create a scheduled thread pool using the given thread pool profile
        profile - parameters of the thread pool
        threadFactory - factory for creating threads
        the created thread pool