Interface BeanProxyFactory

  • public interface BeanProxyFactory
    A factory for creating a Proxy for a bean.

    This requires to have camel-bean on the classpath.

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static String FACTORY
      Service factory key.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      <T> T createProxy​(Endpoint endpoint, boolean binding, Class<T>... interfaceClasses)
      Creates a proxy bean facaded with the interfaces that when invoked will send the data as a message to a Camel endpoint.
    • Method Detail

      • createProxy

        <T> T createProxy​(Endpoint endpoint,
                          boolean binding,
                          Class<T>... interfaceClasses)
                   throws Exception
        Creates a proxy bean facaded with the interfaces that when invoked will send the data as a message to a Camel endpoint.
        endpoint - the endpoint to send to when the proxy is invoked
        binding - whether to use bean parameter binding which would be needed if invoking a bean method with multiple parameters
        interfaceClasses - the interface(s) to use as bean facade
        the created bean proxy
        Exception - is thrown if error creating the proxy