Interface EndpointRegistry<K>

  • Type Parameters:
    K - endpoint key
    All Superinterfaces:
    AutoCloseable, Map<K,​Endpoint>, Service, StaticService

    public interface EndpointRegistry<K>
    extends Map<K,​Endpoint>, StaticService
    Registry to cache endpoints in memory.

    The registry contains two caches:

    • static - which keeps all the endpoints in the cache for the entire lifecycle
    • dynamic - which keeps the endpoints in a and may evict endpoints which hasn't been requested recently
    The static cache stores all the endpoints that are created as part of setting up and starting routes. The static cache has no upper limit.

    The dynamic cache stores the endpoints that are created and used ad-hoc, such as from custom Java code that creates new endpoints etc. The dynamic cache has an upper limit, that by default is 1000 entries.

    • Method Detail

      • staticSize

        int staticSize()
        Number of endpoints in the static registry.
      • dynamicSize

        int dynamicSize()
        Number of endpoints in the dynamic registry
      • getMaximumCacheSize

        int getMaximumCacheSize()
        Maximum number of entries to store in the dynamic registry
      • purge

        void purge()
        Purges the cache (removes endpoints from the dynamic cache)
      • isStatic

        boolean isStatic​(String key)
        Whether the given endpoint is stored in the static cache
        key - the endpoint key
        true if in static cache, false if not
      • isDynamic

        boolean isDynamic​(String key)
        Whether the given endpoint is stored in the dynamic cache
        key - the endpoint key
        true if in dynamic cache, false if not
      • cleanUp

        void cleanUp()
        Cleanup the cache (purging stale entries)