Interface Tracer

    • Method Detail

      • shouldTrace

        boolean shouldTrace​(NamedNode definition)
        Whether or not to trace the given processor definition.
        definition - the processor definition
        true to trace, false to skip tracing
      • traceBeforeRoute

        void traceBeforeRoute​(NamedRoute route,
                              Exchange exchange)
        Trace before the route (eg input to route)
        route - the route
        exchange - the exchange
      • traceBeforeNode

        void traceBeforeNode​(NamedNode node,
                             Exchange exchange)
        Trace before the given node
        node - the node EIP
        exchange - the exchange
      • traceAfterNode

        void traceAfterNode​(NamedNode node,
                            Exchange exchange)
        Trace after the given node
        node - the node EIP
        exchange - the exchange
      • traceAfterRoute

        void traceAfterRoute​(Route route,
                             Exchange exchange)
        Trace after the route (eg output from route)
        route - the route
        exchange - the exchange
      • getTraceCounter

        long getTraceCounter()
        Number of traced messages
      • resetTraceCounter

        void resetTraceCounter()
        Reset trace counter
      • isEnabled

        boolean isEnabled()
        Whether the tracer is enabled
      • setEnabled

        void setEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        Whether the tracer is enabled
      • getTracePattern

        String getTracePattern()
        Tracing pattern to match which node EIPs to trace. For example to match all To EIP nodes, use to*. The pattern matches by node and route id's Multiple patterns can be separated by comma.
      • setTracePattern

        void setTracePattern​(String tracePattern)
        Tracing pattern to match which node EIPs to trace. For example to match all To EIP nodes, use to*. The pattern matches by node and route id's Multiple patterns can be separated by comma.
      • isTraceBeforeAndAfterRoute

        boolean isTraceBeforeAndAfterRoute()
        Whether to include tracing of before/after routes to trace the input and responses of routes.
      • setTraceBeforeAndAfterRoute

        void setTraceBeforeAndAfterRoute​(boolean traceBeforeAndAfterRoute)
        Whether to include tracing of before/after routes to trace the input and responses of routes.
      • getExchangeFormatter

        ExchangeFormatter getExchangeFormatter()
        To use a custom exchange formatter for formatting the output of the Exchange in the trace logs.
      • setExchangeFormatter

        void setExchangeFormatter​(ExchangeFormatter exchangeFormatter)
        To use a custom exchange formatter for formatting the output of the Exchange in the trace logs.