Interface BacklogTracer

public interface BacklogTracer
Backlog tracer that captures the last N messages during routing in a backlog.
  • Method Details

    • isEnabled

      boolean isEnabled()
      Is the tracer enabled.
    • setEnabled

      void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
      To turn on or off the tracer
    • isStandby

      boolean isStandby()
      Whether the tracer is standby.

      If a tracer is in standby then the tracer is activated during startup and are ready to be enabled manually via JMX or calling the enabled method.

    • setStandby

      void setStandby(boolean standby)
      Whether the tracer is standby.

      If a tracer is in standby then the tracer is activated during startup and are ready to be enabled manually via JMX or calling the enabled method.

    • getBacklogSize

      int getBacklogSize()
      Number of messages to keep in the backlog. Default is 100.
    • setBacklogSize

      void setBacklogSize(int backlogSize)
      Number of messages to keep in the backlog (should be between 1 - 1000). Default is 100.
    • isRemoveOnDump

      boolean isRemoveOnDump()
      Remove the currently traced messages when dump methods are invoked
    • setRemoveOnDump

      void setRemoveOnDump(boolean removeOnDump)
      Remove the currently traced messages when dump methods are invoked
    • getBodyMaxChars

      int getBodyMaxChars()
      Maximum number of bytes to keep for the message body (to prevent storing very big payloads)
    • setBodyMaxChars

      void setBodyMaxChars(int bodyMaxChars)
      Maximum number of bytes to keep for the message body (to prevent storing very big payloads)
    • isBodyIncludeStreams

      boolean isBodyIncludeStreams()
      Trace messages to include message body from streams
    • setBodyIncludeStreams

      void setBodyIncludeStreams(boolean bodyIncludeStreams)
      Trace messages to include message body from streams
    • isBodyIncludeFiles

      boolean isBodyIncludeFiles()
      Trace messages to include message body from files
    • setBodyIncludeFiles

      void setBodyIncludeFiles(boolean bodyIncludeFiles)
      Trace messages to include message body from files
    • isIncludeExchangeProperties

      boolean isIncludeExchangeProperties()
      Trace messages to include exchange properties
    • setIncludeExchangeProperties

      void setIncludeExchangeProperties(boolean includeExchangeProperties)
      Trace messages to include exchange properties
    • isIncludeExchangeVariables

      boolean isIncludeExchangeVariables()
      Trace messages to include exchange variables
    • setIncludeExchangeVariables

      void setIncludeExchangeVariables(boolean includeExchangeVariables)
      Trace messages to include exchange variables
    • isIncludeException

      boolean isIncludeException()
      Trace messages to include exception if the message failed
    • setIncludeException

      void setIncludeException(boolean includeException)
      Trace messages to include exception if the message failed
    • isTraceRests

      boolean isTraceRests()
      Whether to support tracing messages and outputting as JSon.
    • setTraceRests

      void setTraceRests(boolean traceRests)
      Whether to trace routes that is created from route templates or kamelets.
    • isTraceTemplates

      boolean isTraceTemplates()
      Whether to trace routes that is created from route templates or kamelets.
    • setTraceTemplates

      void setTraceTemplates(boolean traceTemplates)
      Whether to trace routes that is created from route templates or kamelets.
    • getTracePattern

      String getTracePattern()
      Filter for tracing by route or node id
    • setTracePattern

      void setTracePattern(String tracePattern)
      Filter for tracing by route or node id
    • getTraceFilter

      String getTraceFilter()
      Filter for tracing messages
    • setTraceFilter

      void setTraceFilter(String filter)
      Filter for tracing messages
    • getTraceCounter

      long getTraceCounter()
      Gets the trace counter (total number of traced messages)
    • getQueueSize

      long getQueueSize()
      Number of traced messages in the backlog
    • resetTraceCounter

      void resetTraceCounter()
      Reset the tracing counter
    • dumpAllTracedMessages

      List<BacklogTracerEventMessage> dumpAllTracedMessages()
      Dumps all tracing data
    • dumpTracedMessages

      List<BacklogTracerEventMessage> dumpTracedMessages(String nodeId)
      Dumps tracing data for the given route id / node id
    • dumpAllTracedMessagesAsXml

      String dumpAllTracedMessagesAsXml()
      Dumps all tracing data as XML
    • dumpTracedMessagesAsXml

      String dumpTracedMessagesAsXml(String nodeId)
      Dumps tracing data for the given route id / node id as XML
    • dumpAllTracedMessagesAsJSon

      String dumpAllTracedMessagesAsJSon()
      Dumps all tracing data as JSon
    • dumpTracedMessagesAsJSon

      String dumpTracedMessagesAsJSon(String nodeId)
      Dumps tracing data for the given route id / node id as JSon
    • clear

      void clear()
      Clears the backlog of traced messages.