Interface InterceptSendToEndpoint

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, ComponentAware, Endpoint, IsSingleton, Service

public interface InterceptSendToEndpoint extends Endpoint
This is an endpoint when sending to it, is intercepted and is routed in a detour, with the following flow: before, send to original endpoint (can be skipped), after (optional).
  • Method Details

    • getOriginalEndpoint

      Endpoint getOriginalEndpoint()
      The original endpoint which was intercepted.
    • getOnWhen

      Predicate getOnWhen()
      Optional predicate that must match to trigger this interceptor.
    • setOnWhen

      void setOnWhen(Predicate onWhen)
      Optional predicate that must match to trigger this interceptor.
    • getBefore

      Processor getBefore()
      The processor for routing in a detour before sending to the original endpoint.
    • setBefore

      void setBefore(Processor before)
      Sets the processor for routing in a detour before sending to the original endpoint.
    • getAfter

      Processor getAfter()
      The processor (optional) for routing after sending to the original endpoint.
    • setAfter

      void setAfter(Processor after)
      Sets the processor (optional) for routing after sending to the original endpoint.
    • isSkip

      boolean isSkip()
      Whether to skip sending to the original endpoint.