Interface StartupCondition

public interface StartupCondition
Pluggable condition that must be accepted before Camel can continue starting up. This can be used to let Camel wait for a specific file to be present, an environment-variable, or some other custom conditions.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    canContinue(CamelContext camelContext)
    Checks if the condition is accepted
    default String
    Optional logging message to log if condition was not meet.
    default String
    The name of condition used for logging purposes.
    default String
    Optional logging message to log before waiting for the condition
  • Method Details

    • getName

      default String getName()
      The name of condition used for logging purposes.
    • getWaitMessage

      default String getWaitMessage()
      Optional logging message to log before waiting for the condition
    • getFailureMessage

      default String getFailureMessage()
      Optional logging message to log if condition was not meet.
    • canContinue

      boolean canContinue(CamelContext camelContext) throws Exception
      Checks if the condition is accepted
      camelContext - the Camel context (is not fully initialized)
      true to continue, false to stop and fail.