Interface ComponentVerifierExtension.VerificationError.Attribute

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
ComponentVerifierExtension.VerificationError.ExceptionAttribute, ComponentVerifierExtension.VerificationError.GroupAttribute, ComponentVerifierExtension.VerificationError.HttpAttribute
Enclosing interface:

public static interface ComponentVerifierExtension.VerificationError.Attribute extends Serializable
Interface defining an attribute which is a key for the detailed error messages. This is implemented by several standard enums like ComponentVerifierExtension.VerificationError.ExceptionAttribute, ComponentVerifierExtension.VerificationError.HttpAttribute or ComponentVerifierExtension.VerificationError.GroupAttribute but can also implemented for component specific details. This is best done via ComponentVerifierExtension.VerificationError.asAttribute(String) or using one of the other builder method in this error builder (like
invalid reference
org.apache.camel.component.extension.verifier.ResultErrorBuilder#detail(String, Object)

With respecting to name, the same rules as for ComponentVerifierExtension.VerificationError.Code apply: Standard attributes are all upper case with _ as separators, whereas custom attributes are lower case with underscore separators.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default String
    Bean style accessor to name; This is required for framework like Jackson using bean convention for object serialization.
    Name of the attribute.
  • Method Details

    • name

      String name()
      Name of the attribute. All uppercase for standard attributes and all lower case for custom attributes. Separator between words is an underscore.
      attribute name
    • getName

      default String getName()
      Bean style accessor to name; This is required for framework like Jackson using bean convention for object serialization.
      attribute name