Interface InternalProcessor

All Superinterfaces:
AsyncProcessor, Processor

public interface InternalProcessor extends AsyncProcessor
Internal Processor that Camel routing engine used during routing for cross cutting functionality such as:
  • Execute UnitOfWork
  • Keeping track which route currently is being routed
  • Execute RoutePolicy
  • Gather JMX performance statics
  • Tracing
  • Debugging
  • Message History
  • Stream Caching
  • Transformer
... and more.
  • Method Details

    • addAdvice

      void addAdvice(CamelInternalProcessorAdvice<?> advice)
      Adds an CamelInternalProcessorAdvice advice to the list of advices to execute by this internal processor.
      advice - the advice to add
    • getAdvice

      <T> T getAdvice(Class<T> type)
      Gets the advice with the given type.
      type - the type of the advice
      the advice if exists, or null if no advices has been added with the given type.
    • addRoutePolicyAdvice

      void addRoutePolicyAdvice(List<RoutePolicy> routePolicyList)
      Adds advice for handling RoutePolicy for the route
    • addRouteInflightRepositoryAdvice

      void addRouteInflightRepositoryAdvice(InflightRepository inflightRepository, String routeId)
      Adds advice for tracking inflight exchanges for the given route
    • addRouteLifecycleAdvice

      void addRouteLifecycleAdvice()
      Add advice for setting up UnitOfWork with the lifecycle of the route.
    • addManagementInterceptStrategy

      void addManagementInterceptStrategy(ManagementInterceptStrategy.InstrumentationProcessor processor)
      Add advice for JMX management for the route
    • setRouteOnAdvices

      void setRouteOnAdvices(Route route)
      To make it possible for advices to access the created route.