Interface RestRegistry.RestService

Enclosing interface:

public static interface RestRegistry.RestService
Details about the REST service
  • Method Details

    • getConsumer

      Consumer getConsumer()
      Gets the consumer of the REST service
    • isContractFirst

      boolean isContractFirst()
      Is the rest service based on code-first or contract-first
    • getState

      String getState()
      Gets the state of the REST service (started, stopped, etc)
    • getUrl

      String getUrl()
      Gets the absolute url to the REST service (baseUrl + uriTemplate)
    • getBaseUrl

      String getBaseUrl()
      Gets the base url to the REST service
    • getBasePath

      String getBasePath()
      Gets the base path to the REST service
    • getUriTemplate

      String getUriTemplate()
      Gets the uri template
    • getMethod

      String getMethod()
      Gets the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT etc)
    • getConsumes

      String getConsumes()
      Optional details about what media-types the REST service accepts
    • getProduces

      String getProduces()
      Optional details about what media-types the REST service returns
    • getInType

      String getInType()
      Optional detail about input binding to a FQN class name.

      If the input accepts a list, then List<class name> is enclosed the name.

    • getOutType

      String getOutType()
      Optional detail about output binding to a FQN class name.

      If the output accepts a list, then List<class name> is enclosed the name.

    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Optional description about this rest service.