Interface StartupStepRecorder

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Service, StaticService

public interface StartupStepRecorder extends StaticService
To record StartupStep during startup to allow to capture diagnostic information to help troubleshoot Camel applications via various tooling such as Java Flight Recorder.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • isEnabled

      boolean isEnabled()
      Whether recording is enabled
    • setEnabled

      void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Whether recording is enabled
    • getStartupRecorderDuration

      long getStartupRecorderDuration()
      How long time to run the startup recorder. Use 0 (default) to stop the recorder after Camel has been started. Use -1 to keep the recorder running until Camel is being stopped. A positive value is to run the recorder for N seconds.
    • setStartupRecorderDuration

      void setStartupRecorderDuration(long startupRecorderDuration)
      How long time to run the startup recorder. Use 0 (default) to stop the recorder after Camel has been started. Use -1 to keep the recorder running until Camel is being stopped. A positive value is to run the recorder for N seconds.
    • getRecordingDir

      String getRecordingDir()
    • setRecordingDir

      void setRecordingDir(String recordingDir)
      Directory to store the recording. By default the current directory will be used.
    • getRecordingProfile

      String getRecordingProfile()
    • setRecordingProfile

      void setRecordingProfile(String profile)
      To use a specific Java Flight Recorder profile configuration, such as default or profile. The default is default.
    • setMaxDepth

      void setMaxDepth(int level)
      To filter our sub steps at a maximum depth
    • getMaxDepth

      int getMaxDepth()
      To filter our sub steps at a maximum depth
    • setRecording

      void setRecording(boolean recording)
      Whether to start flight recorder recording. This is only in use if camel-jfr is being used.
    • isRecording

      boolean isRecording()
      Whether to start flight recorder recording. This is only in use if camel-jfr is being used.
    • beginStep

      StartupStep beginStep(Class<?> type, String name, String description)
      Beings a new step.

      Important must call endStep(StartupStep) to end the step.

      type - the source
      name - name of the step
      description - description of the step
    • endStep

      void endStep(StartupStep step)
      Ends the step
    • steps

      default Stream<StartupStep> steps()
      Some records will capture all steps which can be accessed on demand.