Class AwsVaultConfiguration


public class AwsVaultConfiguration extends VaultConfiguration
Configuration for access to AWS Secret.
  • Constructor Details

    • AwsVaultConfiguration

      public AwsVaultConfiguration()
  • Method Details

    • getAccessKey

      public String getAccessKey()
    • setAccessKey

      public void setAccessKey(String accessKey)
      The AWS access key
    • getSecretKey

      public String getSecretKey()
    • setSecretKey

      public void setSecretKey(String secretKey)
      The AWS secret key
    • getRegion

      public String getRegion()
    • setRegion

      public void setRegion(String region)
      The AWS region
    • isDefaultCredentialsProvider

      public boolean isDefaultCredentialsProvider()
    • setDefaultCredentialsProvider

      public void setDefaultCredentialsProvider(boolean defaultCredentialsProvider)
      Define if we want to use the AWS Default Credentials Provider or not
    • isProfileCredentialsProvider

      public boolean isProfileCredentialsProvider()
    • setProfileCredentialsProvider

      public void setProfileCredentialsProvider(boolean profileCredentialsProvider)
      Define if we want to use the AWS Profile Credentials Provider or not
    • getProfileName

      public String getProfileName()
    • setProfileName

      public void setProfileName(String profileName)
      Define the profile name to use if Profile Credentials Provider is selected
    • isRefreshEnabled

      public boolean isRefreshEnabled()
    • setRefreshEnabled

      public void setRefreshEnabled(boolean refreshEnabled)
      Whether to automatically reload Camel upon secrets being updated in AWS.
    • getRefreshPeriod

      public long getRefreshPeriod()
    • setRefreshPeriod

      public void setRefreshPeriod(long refreshPeriod)
      The period (millis) between checking AWS for updated secrets.
    • getSecrets

      public String getSecrets()
    • setSecrets

      public void setSecrets(String secrets)
      Specify the secret names (or pattern) to check for updates. Multiple secrets can be separated by comma.
    • isUseSqsNotification

      public boolean isUseSqsNotification()
    • setUseSqsNotification

      public void setUseSqsNotification(boolean useSqsNotification)
      Whether to use AWS SQS for secrets updates notification, this will require setting up Eventbridge/Cloudtrail/SQS communication
    • getSqsQueueUrl

      public String getSqsQueueUrl()
    • setSqsQueueUrl

      public void setSqsQueueUrl(String sqsQueueUrl)
      In case of usage of SQS notification this field will specified the Queue URL to use