Interface RestRegistry

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Service, StaticService

public interface RestRegistry extends StaticService
A registry of all REST services running within the CamelContext which have been defined and created using the Rest DSL.
  • Method Details

    • addRestService

      void addRestService(Consumer consumer, boolean contractFirst, String url, String baseUrl, String basePath, String uriTemplate, String method, String consumes, String produces, String inType, String outType, String routeId, String description)
      Adds a new REST service to the registry.
      consumer - the consumer
      contractFirst - is the rest service based on code-first or contract-first
      url - the absolute url of the REST service
      baseUrl - the base url of the REST service
      basePath - the base path
      uriTemplate - the uri template
      method - the HTTP method
      consumes - optional details about what media-types the REST service accepts
      produces - optional details about what media-types the REST service returns
      inType - optional detail input binding to a FQN class name
      outType - optional detail output binding to a FQN class name
      routeId - the id of the route this rest service will be using
      description - optional description about the service
    • removeRestService

      void removeRestService(Consumer consumer)
      Removes the REST service from the registry
      consumer - the consumer
    • listAllRestServices

      List<RestRegistry.RestService> listAllRestServices()
      List all REST services from this registry.
      all the REST services
    • size

      int size()
      Number of rest services in the registry.
      number of rest services in the registry.
    • apiDocAsJson

      String apiDocAsJson()
      Outputs the Rest services API documentation in JSON (requires camel-openapi-java on classpath)
      the API docs in JSon, or null if camel-openapi-java is not on classpath