All Classes and Interfaces

A Processor which converts the inbound exchange to a method invocation on a POJO
An exception thrown if an attempted method invocation resulted in an ambiguous method such that multiple methods match the inbound message exchange
Used to inject a bean expression into a field, property, method or parameter when using Bean Integration.
The bean component is for invoking Java beans from Camel.
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Invoke methods of Java beans stored in Camel registry.
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Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Evaluates an expression using a bean method invocation
A bean processor that is optimised for being invoked one time from an BeanExpression.
Helper for the bean component.
Object holder for a bean.
Represents the metadata about a bean type created via a combination of introspection and annotations together with some useful sensible defaults
A key used for caching BeanInfo by the BeanComponent
A bean language which uses a simple text notation to invoke methods on beans to evaluate predicates or expressions
Bean Producer
Object holder for a bean type.
An InvocationHandler which invokes a message exchange on a camel Endpoint
The Class Component is for binding JavaBeans to Camel message exchanges based on class name.
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Invoke methods of Java beans specified by class name.
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Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
A constant (singleton) bean implementation of BeanHolder
A constant BeanHolder for a class or static class where the intention is to only invoke static methods, without the need for creating an instance of the type.
A constant (singleton) bean implementation of BeanTypeHolder
Represents the strategy used to figure out how to map a message exchange to a POJO method invocation
Represents a Serializable version of a Method
Information about a method to be used for invocation.
Represents a cache of MethodInfo objects to avoid the expense of introspection for each invocation of a method via a proxy.
Information used by Camel to perform method invocation.
A strategy for creating a default parameter expression for a given type
A helper class for creating proxies which delegate to Camel
An implementation of a BeanHolder which will look up a bean from the registry and act as a cache of its metadata
Request scoped BeanHolder wrapper.
Exception thrown if invocation of bean failed.