All Classes and Interfaces

Error occurred in Cassandra Aggregation repository
Implementation of AggregationRepository using Cassandra table to store exchanges.
Marshall/unmarshall Exchange to/from a ByteBuffer.
Represents the component that manages CassandraEndpoint.
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Cassandra QL Endpoint constants
Cassandra 2 CQL3 consumer.
Integrate with Cassandra 2.0+ using the CQL3 API (not the Thrift API).
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Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Implementation of IdempotentRepository using Cassandra table to store message ids.
Cassandra 2 CQL3 producer.
Holds a Cassandra Session and manages its lifecycle
Concrete implementation of CassandraAggregationRepository using 2 columns as primary key: name (partition key) and key (clustering key).
Concrete implementation of CassandraIdempotentRepository using 2 columns as primary key: name (partition key) and key (clustering key).
Implementations of ResultSetConversionStrategy
Strategy to convert ResultSet into message body