Interface AzureServicebusComponentBuilderFactory

  • @Generated("org.apache.camel.maven.packaging.ComponentDslMojo")
    public interface AzureServicebusComponentBuilderFactory
    The azure-servicebus component that integrates Azure ServiceBus. Azure ServiceBus is a fully managed enterprise integration message broker. Service Bus can decouple applications and services. Service Bus offers a reliable and secure platform for asynchronous transfer of data and state. Data is transferred between different applications and services using messages. Generated by camel-package-maven-plugin - do not edit this file!
    • Method Detail

      • azureServicebus

        static AzureServicebusComponentBuilderFactory.AzureServicebusComponentBuilder azureServicebus()
        Azure ServiceBus (camel-azure-servicebus) The azure-servicebus component that integrates Azure ServiceBus. Azure ServiceBus is a fully managed enterprise integration message broker. Service Bus can decouple applications and services. Service Bus offers a reliable and secure platform for asynchronous transfer of data and state. Data is transferred between different applications and services using messages. Category: cloud,messaging Since: 3.12 Maven coordinates: org.apache.camel:camel-azure-servicebus
        the dsl builder