002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008 *
009 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010 *
011 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015 * limitations under the License.
016 */
017package org.apache.camel.component.bean;
019import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
020import java.lang.reflect.Method;
021import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
022import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
023import java.util.ArrayList;
024import java.util.Arrays;
025import java.util.Collection;
026import java.util.Collections;
027import java.util.Comparator;
028import java.util.HashMap;
029import java.util.Iterator;
030import java.util.List;
031import java.util.Map;
033import org.apache.camel.AttachmentObjects;
034import org.apache.camel.Attachments;
035import org.apache.camel.Body;
036import org.apache.camel.CamelContext;
037import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
038import org.apache.camel.ExchangeException;
039import org.apache.camel.ExchangeProperties;
040import org.apache.camel.ExchangeProperty;
041import org.apache.camel.Expression;
042import org.apache.camel.Handler;
043import org.apache.camel.Header;
044import org.apache.camel.Headers;
045import org.apache.camel.Message;
046import org.apache.camel.OutHeaders;
047import org.apache.camel.Properties;
048import org.apache.camel.Property;
049import org.apache.camel.PropertyInject;
050import org.apache.camel.builder.ExpressionBuilder;
051import org.apache.camel.language.LanguageAnnotation;
052import org.apache.camel.spi.Registry;
053import org.apache.camel.util.CastUtils;
054import org.apache.camel.util.IntrospectionSupport;
055import org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper;
056import org.apache.camel.util.StringHelper;
057import org.apache.camel.util.StringQuoteHelper;
058import org.slf4j.Logger;
059import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
062 * Represents the metadata about a bean type created via a combination of
063 * introspection and annotations together with some useful sensible defaults
064 */
065public class BeanInfo {
066    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BeanInfo.class);
067    private static final String CGLIB_CLASS_SEPARATOR = "$$";
068    private static final List<Method> EXCLUDED_METHODS = new ArrayList<Method>();
069    private final CamelContext camelContext;
070    private final BeanComponent component;
071    private final Class<?> type;
072    private final ParameterMappingStrategy strategy;
073    private final MethodInfo defaultMethod;
074    // shared state with details of operations introspected from the bean, created during the constructor
075    private Map<String, List<MethodInfo>> operations = new HashMap<String, List<MethodInfo>>();
076    private List<MethodInfo> operationsWithBody = new ArrayList<MethodInfo>();
077    private List<MethodInfo> operationsWithNoBody = new ArrayList<MethodInfo>();
078    private List<MethodInfo> operationsWithCustomAnnotation = new ArrayList<MethodInfo>();
079    private List<MethodInfo> operationsWithHandlerAnnotation = new ArrayList<MethodInfo>();
080    private Map<Method, MethodInfo> methodMap = new HashMap<Method, MethodInfo>();
081    private boolean publicConstructors;
083    static {
084        // exclude all java.lang.Object methods as we dont want to invoke them
085        EXCLUDED_METHODS.addAll(Arrays.asList(Object.class.getMethods()));
086        // exclude all java.lang.reflect.Proxy methods as we dont want to invoke them
087        EXCLUDED_METHODS.addAll(Arrays.asList(Proxy.class.getMethods()));
088        try {
089            // but keep toString as this method is okay
090            EXCLUDED_METHODS.remove(Object.class.getMethod("toString"));
091            EXCLUDED_METHODS.remove(Proxy.class.getMethod("toString"));
092        } catch (Throwable e) {
093            // ignore
094        }
095    }
097    public BeanInfo(CamelContext camelContext, Class<?> type) {
098        this(camelContext, type, createParameterMappingStrategy(camelContext));
099    }
101    public BeanInfo(CamelContext camelContext, Method explicitMethod) {
102        this(camelContext, explicitMethod.getDeclaringClass(), explicitMethod, createParameterMappingStrategy(camelContext));
103    }
105    public BeanInfo(CamelContext camelContext, Class<?> type, ParameterMappingStrategy strategy) {
106        this(camelContext, type, null, strategy);
107    }
109    public BeanInfo(CamelContext camelContext, Class<?> type, Method explicitMethod, ParameterMappingStrategy strategy) {
110        this.camelContext = camelContext;
111        this.type = type;
112        this.strategy = strategy;
113        this.component = camelContext.getComponent("bean", BeanComponent.class);
115        final BeanInfoCacheKey key = new BeanInfoCacheKey(type, explicitMethod);
117        // lookup if we have a bean info cache
118        BeanInfo beanInfo = component.getBeanInfoFromCache(key);
119        if (beanInfo != null) {
120            // copy the values from the cache we need
121            defaultMethod = beanInfo.defaultMethod;
122            operations = beanInfo.operations;
123            operationsWithBody = beanInfo.operationsWithBody;
124            operationsWithNoBody = beanInfo.operationsWithNoBody;
125            operationsWithCustomAnnotation = beanInfo.operationsWithCustomAnnotation;
126            operationsWithHandlerAnnotation = beanInfo.operationsWithHandlerAnnotation;
127            methodMap = beanInfo.methodMap;
128            publicConstructors = beanInfo.publicConstructors;
129            return;
130        }
132        if (explicitMethod != null) {
133            // must be a valid method
134            if (!isValidMethod(type, explicitMethod)) {
135                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The method " + explicitMethod + " is not valid (for example the method must be public)");
136            }
137            introspect(getType(), explicitMethod);
138        } else {
139            introspect(getType());
140        }
142        // if there are only 1 method with 1 operation then select it as a default/fallback method
143        MethodInfo method = null;
144        if (operations.size() == 1) {
145            List<MethodInfo> methods = operations.values().iterator().next();
146            if (methods.size() == 1) {
147                method = methods.get(0);
148            }
149        }
150        defaultMethod = method;
152        // mark the operations lists as unmodifiable, as they should not change during runtime
153        // to keep this code thread safe
154        operations = Collections.unmodifiableMap(operations);
155        operationsWithBody = Collections.unmodifiableList(operationsWithBody);
156        operationsWithNoBody = Collections.unmodifiableList(operationsWithNoBody);
157        operationsWithCustomAnnotation = Collections.unmodifiableList(operationsWithCustomAnnotation);
158        operationsWithHandlerAnnotation = Collections.unmodifiableList(operationsWithHandlerAnnotation);
159        methodMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(methodMap);
161        // add new bean info to cache
162        component.addBeanInfoToCache(key, this);
163    }
165    public Class<?> getType() {
166        return type;
167    }
169    public CamelContext getCamelContext() {
170        return camelContext;
171    }
173    public static ParameterMappingStrategy createParameterMappingStrategy(CamelContext camelContext) {
174        // lookup in registry first if there is a user define strategy
175        Registry registry = camelContext.getRegistry();
176        ParameterMappingStrategy answer = registry.lookupByNameAndType(BeanConstants.BEAN_PARAMETER_MAPPING_STRATEGY, ParameterMappingStrategy.class);
177        if (answer == null) {
178            // no then use the default one
179            answer = new DefaultParameterMappingStrategy();
180        }
182        return answer;
183    }
185    public MethodInvocation createInvocation(Object pojo, Exchange exchange)
186        throws AmbiguousMethodCallException, MethodNotFoundException {
187        return createInvocation(pojo, exchange, null);
188    }
190    private MethodInvocation createInvocation(Object pojo, Exchange exchange, Method explicitMethod)
191        throws AmbiguousMethodCallException, MethodNotFoundException {
192        MethodInfo methodInfo = null;
194        // find the explicit method to invoke
195        if (explicitMethod != null) {
196            for (List<MethodInfo> infos : operations.values()) {
197                for (MethodInfo info : infos) {
198                    if (explicitMethod.equals(info.getMethod())) {
199                        return info.createMethodInvocation(pojo, info.hasParameters(), exchange);
200                    }
201                }
202            }
203            throw new MethodNotFoundException(exchange, pojo, explicitMethod.getName());
204        }
206        String methodName = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.BEAN_METHOD_NAME, String.class);
207        if (methodName != null) {
209            // do not use qualifier for name
210            String name = methodName;
211            if (methodName.contains("(")) {
212                name = StringHelper.before(methodName, "(");
213                // the must be a ending parenthesis
214                if (!methodName.endsWith(")")) {
215                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method should end with parenthesis, was " + methodName);
216                }
217                // and there must be an even number of parenthesis in the syntax
218                // (we can use betweenOuterPair as it return null if the syntax is invalid)
219                if (StringHelper.betweenOuterPair(methodName, '(', ')') == null) {
220                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method should have even pair of parenthesis, was " + methodName);
221                }
222            }
223            boolean emptyParameters = methodName.endsWith("()");
225            // special for getClass, as we want the user to be able to invoke this method
226            // for example to log the class type or the likes
227            if ("class".equals(name) || "getClass".equals(name)) {
228                try {
229                    Method method = pojo.getClass().getMethod("getClass");
230                    methodInfo = new MethodInfo(exchange.getContext(), pojo.getClass(), method, Collections.<ParameterInfo>emptyList(), Collections.<ParameterInfo>emptyList(), false, false);
231                } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
232                    throw new MethodNotFoundException(exchange, pojo, "getClass");
233                }
234            // special for length on an array type
235            } else if ("length".equals(name) && pojo.getClass().isArray()) {
236                try {
237                    // need to use arrayLength method from ObjectHelper as Camel's bean OGNL support is method invocation based
238                    // and not for accessing fields. And hence we need to create a MethodInfo instance with a method to call
239                    // and therefore use arrayLength from ObjectHelper to return the array length field.
240                    Method method = ObjectHelper.class.getMethod("arrayLength", Object[].class);
241                    ParameterInfo pi = new ParameterInfo(0, Object[].class, null, ExpressionBuilder.mandatoryBodyExpression(Object[].class, true));
242                    List<ParameterInfo> lpi = new ArrayList<ParameterInfo>(1);
243                    lpi.add(pi);
244                    methodInfo = new MethodInfo(exchange.getContext(), pojo.getClass(), method, lpi, lpi, false, false);
245                    // Need to update the message body to be pojo for the invocation
246                    exchange.getIn().setBody(pojo);
247                } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
248                    throw new MethodNotFoundException(exchange, pojo, "getClass");
249                }
250            } else {
251                List<MethodInfo> methods = getOperations(name);
252                if (methods != null && methods.size() == 1) {
253                    // only one method then choose it
254                    methodInfo = methods.get(0);
256                    // validate that if we want an explicit no-arg method, then that's what we get
257                    if (emptyParameters && methodInfo.hasParameters()) {
258                        throw new MethodNotFoundException(exchange, pojo, methodName, "(with no parameters)");
259                    }
260                } else if (methods != null) {
261                    // there are more methods with that name so we cannot decide which to use
263                    // but first let's try to choose a method and see if that complies with the name
264                    // must use the method name which may have qualifiers
265                    methodInfo = chooseMethod(pojo, exchange, methodName);
267                    // validate that if we want an explicit no-arg method, then that's what we get
268                    if (emptyParameters) {
269                        if (methodInfo == null || methodInfo.hasParameters()) {
270                            // we could not find a no-arg method with that name
271                            throw new MethodNotFoundException(exchange, pojo, methodName, "(with no parameters)");
272                        }
273                    }
275                    if (methodInfo == null || (name != null && !name.equals(methodInfo.getMethod().getName()))) {
276                        throw new AmbiguousMethodCallException(exchange, methods);
277                    }
278                } else {
279                    // a specific method was given to invoke but not found
280                    throw new MethodNotFoundException(exchange, pojo, methodName);
281                }
282            }
283        }
285        if (methodInfo == null && methodMap.size() >= 2) {
286            // only try to choose if there is at least 2 methods
287            methodInfo = chooseMethod(pojo, exchange, null);
288        }
289        if (methodInfo == null) {
290            methodInfo = defaultMethod;
291        }
292        if (methodInfo != null) {
293            LOG.trace("Chosen method to invoke: {} on bean: {}", methodInfo, pojo);
294            return methodInfo.createMethodInvocation(pojo, methodInfo.hasParameters(), exchange);
295        }
297        LOG.debug("Cannot find suitable method to invoke on bean: {}", pojo);
298        return null;
299    }
301    /**
302     * Introspects the given class
303     *
304     * @param clazz the class
305     */
306    private void introspect(Class<?> clazz) {
308        // does the class have any public constructors?
309        publicConstructors = clazz.getConstructors().length > 0;
311        MethodsFilter methods = new MethodsFilter(getType());
312        introspect(clazz, methods);
314        // now introspect the methods and filter non valid methods
315        for (Method method : methods.asReadOnlyList()) {
316            boolean valid = isValidMethod(clazz, method);
317            LOG.trace("Method: {} is valid: {}", method, valid);
318            if (valid) {
319                introspect(clazz, method);
320            }
321        }
322    }
324    private void introspect(Class<?> clazz, MethodsFilter filteredMethods) {
325        // get the target clazz as it could potentially have been enhanced by
326        // CGLIB etc.
327        clazz = getTargetClass(clazz);
328        ObjectHelper.notNull(clazz, "clazz", this);
330        LOG.trace("Introspecting class: {}", clazz);
332        for (Method m : Arrays.asList(clazz.getDeclaredMethods())) {
333            filteredMethods.filterMethod(m);
334        }
336        Class<?> superClass = clazz.getSuperclass();
337        if (superClass != null && !superClass.equals(Object.class)) {
338            introspect(superClass, filteredMethods);
339        }
340        for (Class<?> superInterface : clazz.getInterfaces()) {
341            introspect(superInterface, filteredMethods);
342        }
343    }
345    /**
346     * Introspects the given method
347     *
348     * @param clazz the class
349     * @param method the method
350     * @return the method info, is newer <tt>null</tt>
351     */
352    private MethodInfo introspect(Class<?> clazz, Method method) {
353        LOG.trace("Introspecting class: {}, method: {}", clazz, method);
354        String opName = method.getName();
356        MethodInfo methodInfo = createMethodInfo(clazz, method);
358        // Foster the use of a potentially already registered most specific override
359        MethodInfo existingMethodInfo = findMostSpecificOverride(methodInfo);
360        if (existingMethodInfo != null) {
361            LOG.trace("This method is already overridden in a subclass, so the method from the sub class is preferred: {}", existingMethodInfo);
362            return existingMethodInfo;
363        }
365        LOG.trace("Adding operation: {} for method: {}", opName, methodInfo);
367        List<MethodInfo> existing = getOperations(opName);
368        if (existing != null) {
369            // we have an overloaded method so add the method info to the same key
370            existing.add(methodInfo);
371        } else {
372            // its a new method we have not seen before so wrap it in a list and add it
373            List<MethodInfo> methods = new ArrayList<MethodInfo>();
374            methods.add(methodInfo);
375            operations.put(opName, methods);
376        }
378        if (methodInfo.hasCustomAnnotation()) {
379            operationsWithCustomAnnotation.add(methodInfo);
380        } else if (methodInfo.hasBodyParameter()) {
381            operationsWithBody.add(methodInfo);
382        } else {
383            operationsWithNoBody.add(methodInfo);
384        }
386        if (methodInfo.hasHandlerAnnotation()) {
387            operationsWithHandlerAnnotation.add(methodInfo);
388        }
390        // must add to method map last otherwise we break stuff
391        methodMap.put(method, methodInfo);
393        return methodInfo;
394    }
396    /**
397     * Returns the {@link MethodInfo} for the given method if it exists or null
398     * if there is no metadata available for the given method
399     */
400    public MethodInfo getMethodInfo(Method method) {
401        MethodInfo answer = methodMap.get(method);
402        if (answer == null) {
403            // maybe the method overrides, and the method map keeps info of the source override we can use
404            for (Method source : methodMap.keySet()) {
405                if (ObjectHelper.isOverridingMethod(getType(), source, method, false)) {
406                    answer = methodMap.get(source);
407                    break;
408                }
409            }
410        }
412        if (answer == null) {
413            // maybe the method is defined on a base class?
414            if (type != Object.class) {
415                Class<?> superclass = type.getSuperclass();
416                if (superclass != null && superclass != Object.class) {
417                    BeanInfo superBeanInfo = new BeanInfo(camelContext, superclass, strategy);
418                    return superBeanInfo.getMethodInfo(method);
419                }
420            }
421        }
422        return answer;
423    }
425    protected MethodInfo createMethodInfo(Class<?> clazz, Method method) {
426        Class<?>[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
427        List<Annotation>[] parametersAnnotations = collectParameterAnnotations(clazz, method);
429        List<ParameterInfo> parameters = new ArrayList<ParameterInfo>();
430        List<ParameterInfo> bodyParameters = new ArrayList<ParameterInfo>();
432        boolean hasCustomAnnotation = false;
433        boolean hasHandlerAnnotation = ObjectHelper.hasAnnotation(method.getAnnotations(), Handler.class);
435        int size = parameterTypes.length;
436        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
437            LOG.trace("Creating MethodInfo for class: {} method: {} having {} parameters", new Object[]{clazz, method, size});
438        }
440        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
441            Class<?> parameterType = parameterTypes[i];
442            Annotation[] parameterAnnotations = parametersAnnotations[i].toArray(new Annotation[parametersAnnotations[i].size()]);
443            Expression expression = createParameterUnmarshalExpression(clazz, method, parameterType, parameterAnnotations);
444            hasCustomAnnotation |= expression != null;
446            ParameterInfo parameterInfo = new ParameterInfo(i, parameterType, parameterAnnotations, expression);
447            LOG.trace("Parameter #{}: {}", i, parameterInfo);
448            parameters.add(parameterInfo);
449            if (expression == null) {
450                boolean bodyAnnotation = ObjectHelper.hasAnnotation(parameterAnnotations, Body.class);
451                LOG.trace("Parameter #{} has @Body annotation", i);
452                hasCustomAnnotation |= bodyAnnotation;
453                if (bodyParameters.isEmpty()) {
454                    // okay we have not yet set the body parameter and we have found
455                    // the candidate now to use as body parameter
456                    if (Exchange.class.isAssignableFrom(parameterType)) {
457                        // use exchange
458                        expression = ExpressionBuilder.exchangeExpression();
459                    } else {
460                        // assume it's the body and it must be mandatory convertible to the parameter type
461                        // but we allow null bodies in case the message really contains a null body
462                        expression = ExpressionBuilder.mandatoryBodyExpression(parameterType, true);
463                    }
464                    LOG.trace("Parameter #{} is the body parameter using expression {}", i, expression);
465                    parameterInfo.setExpression(expression);
466                    bodyParameters.add(parameterInfo);
467                } else {
468                    // will ignore the expression for parameter evaluation
469                }
470            }
471            LOG.trace("Parameter #{} has parameter info: ", i, parameterInfo);
472        }
474        // now let's add the method to the repository
475        return new MethodInfo(camelContext, clazz, method, parameters, bodyParameters, hasCustomAnnotation, hasHandlerAnnotation);
476    }
478    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
479    protected List<Annotation>[] collectParameterAnnotations(Class<?> c, Method m) {
480        List<Annotation>[] annotations = new List[m.getParameterCount()];
481        for (int i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) {
482            annotations[i] = new ArrayList<Annotation>();
483        }
484        collectParameterAnnotations(c, m, annotations);
485        return annotations;
486    }
488    protected void collectParameterAnnotations(Class<?> c, Method m, List<Annotation>[] a) {
489        try {
490            Annotation[][] pa = c.getDeclaredMethod(m.getName(), m.getParameterTypes()).getParameterAnnotations();
491            for (int i = 0; i < pa.length; i++) {
492                a[i].addAll(Arrays.asList(pa[i]));
493            }
494        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
495            // no method with signature of m declared on c
496        }
497        for (Class<?> i : c.getInterfaces()) {
498            collectParameterAnnotations(i, m, a);
499        }
500        if (!c.isInterface() && c.getSuperclass() != null) {
501            collectParameterAnnotations(c.getSuperclass(), m, a);
502        }
503    }
505    /**
506     * Choose one of the available methods to invoke if we can match
507     * the message body to the body parameter
508     *
509     * @param pojo the bean to invoke a method on
510     * @param exchange the message exchange
511     * @param name an optional name of the method that must match, use <tt>null</tt> to indicate all methods
512     * @return the method to invoke or null if no definitive method could be matched
513     * @throws AmbiguousMethodCallException is thrown if cannot choose method due to ambiguity
514     */
515    protected MethodInfo chooseMethod(Object pojo, Exchange exchange, String name) throws AmbiguousMethodCallException {
516        // @Handler should be select first
517        // then any single method that has a custom @annotation
518        // or any single method that has a match parameter type that matches the Exchange payload
519        // and last then try to select the best among the rest
521        // must use defensive copy, to avoid altering the shared lists
522        // and we want to remove unwanted operations from these local lists
523        List<MethodInfo> localOperationsWithBody = null;
524        if (!operationsWithBody.isEmpty()) {
525            localOperationsWithBody = new ArrayList<>(operationsWithBody);
526        }
527        List<MethodInfo> localOperationsWithNoBody = null;
528        if (!operationsWithNoBody.isEmpty()) {
529            localOperationsWithNoBody = new ArrayList<>(operationsWithNoBody);
530        }
531        List<MethodInfo> localOperationsWithCustomAnnotation = null;
532        if (!operationsWithCustomAnnotation.isEmpty()) {
533            localOperationsWithCustomAnnotation = new ArrayList<>(operationsWithCustomAnnotation);
534        }
535        List<MethodInfo> localOperationsWithHandlerAnnotation = null;
536        if (!operationsWithHandlerAnnotation.isEmpty()) {
537            localOperationsWithHandlerAnnotation = new ArrayList<>(operationsWithHandlerAnnotation);
538        }
540        // remove all abstract methods
541        if (localOperationsWithBody != null) {
542            removeAllAbstractMethods(localOperationsWithBody);
543        }
544        if (localOperationsWithNoBody != null) {
545            removeAllAbstractMethods(localOperationsWithNoBody);
546        }
547        if (localOperationsWithCustomAnnotation != null) {
548            removeAllAbstractMethods(localOperationsWithCustomAnnotation);
549        }
550        if (localOperationsWithHandlerAnnotation != null) {
551            removeAllAbstractMethods(localOperationsWithHandlerAnnotation);
552        }
554        if (name != null) {
555            // filter all lists to only include methods with this name
556            if (localOperationsWithHandlerAnnotation != null) {
557                removeNonMatchingMethods(localOperationsWithHandlerAnnotation, name);
558            }
559            if (localOperationsWithCustomAnnotation != null) {
560                removeNonMatchingMethods(localOperationsWithCustomAnnotation, name);
561            }
562            if (localOperationsWithBody != null) {
563                removeNonMatchingMethods(localOperationsWithBody, name);
564            }
565            if (localOperationsWithNoBody != null) {
566                removeNonMatchingMethods(localOperationsWithNoBody, name);
567            }
568        } else {
569            // remove all getter/setter as we do not want to consider these methods
570            if (localOperationsWithHandlerAnnotation != null) {
571                removeAllSetterOrGetterMethods(localOperationsWithHandlerAnnotation);
572            }
573            if (localOperationsWithCustomAnnotation != null) {
574                removeAllSetterOrGetterMethods(localOperationsWithCustomAnnotation);
575            }
576            if (localOperationsWithBody != null) {
577                removeAllSetterOrGetterMethods(localOperationsWithBody);
578            }
579            if (localOperationsWithNoBody != null) {
580                removeAllSetterOrGetterMethods(localOperationsWithNoBody);
581            }
582        }
584        if (localOperationsWithHandlerAnnotation != null && localOperationsWithHandlerAnnotation.size() > 1) {
585            // if we have more than 1 @Handler then its ambiguous
586            throw new AmbiguousMethodCallException(exchange, localOperationsWithHandlerAnnotation);
587        }
589        if (localOperationsWithHandlerAnnotation != null && localOperationsWithHandlerAnnotation.size() == 1) {
590            // methods with handler should be preferred
591            return localOperationsWithHandlerAnnotation.get(0);
592        } else if (localOperationsWithCustomAnnotation != null && localOperationsWithCustomAnnotation.size() == 1) {
593            // if there is one method with an annotation then use that one
594            return localOperationsWithCustomAnnotation.get(0);
595        }
597        // named method and with no parameters
598        boolean noParameters = name != null && name.endsWith("()");
599        if (noParameters && localOperationsWithNoBody != null && localOperationsWithNoBody.size() == 1) {
600            // if there was a method name configured and it has no parameters, then use the method with no body (eg no parameters)
601            return localOperationsWithNoBody.get(0);
602        } else if (!noParameters && (localOperationsWithBody != null && localOperationsWithBody.size() == 1 && localOperationsWithCustomAnnotation == null)) {
603            // if there is one method with body then use that one
604            return localOperationsWithBody.get(0);
605        }
607        if (localOperationsWithBody != null || localOperationsWithCustomAnnotation != null) {
608            Collection<MethodInfo> possibleOperations = new ArrayList<>();
609            if (localOperationsWithBody != null) {
610                possibleOperations.addAll(localOperationsWithBody);
611            }
612            if (localOperationsWithCustomAnnotation != null) {
613                possibleOperations.addAll(localOperationsWithCustomAnnotation);
614            }
616            if (!possibleOperations.isEmpty()) {
617                MethodInfo answer = null;
619                if (name != null) {
620                    // do we have hardcoded parameters values provided from the method name then use that for matching
621                    String parameters = StringHelper.between(name, "(", ")");
622                    if (parameters != null) {
623                        // special as we have hardcoded parameters, so we need to choose method that matches those parameters the best
624                        LOG.trace("Choosing best matching method matching parameters: {}", parameters);
625                        answer = chooseMethodWithMatchingParameters(exchange, parameters, possibleOperations);
626                    }
627                }
628                if (answer == null) {
629                    // multiple possible operations so find the best suited if possible
630                    answer = chooseMethodWithMatchingBody(exchange, possibleOperations, localOperationsWithCustomAnnotation);
631                }
632                if (answer == null && possibleOperations.size() > 1) {
633                    answer = getSingleCovariantMethod(possibleOperations);
634                }
636                if (answer == null) {
637                    throw new AmbiguousMethodCallException(exchange, possibleOperations);
638                } else {
639                    return answer;
640                }
641            }
642        }
644        // not possible to determine
645        return null;
646    }
648    private MethodInfo chooseMethodWithMatchingParameters(Exchange exchange, String parameters, Collection<MethodInfo> operationList)
649        throws AmbiguousMethodCallException {
650        // we have hardcoded parameters so need to match that with the given operations
651        Iterator<?> it = ObjectHelper.createIterator(parameters);
652        int count = 0;
653        while (it.hasNext()) {
654            it.next();
655            count++;
656        }
658        List<MethodInfo> operations = new ArrayList<MethodInfo>();
659        for (MethodInfo info : operationList) {
660            if (info.getParameters().size() == count) {
661                operations.add(info);
662            }
663        }
665        if (operations.isEmpty()) {
666            return null;
667        } else if (operations.size() == 1) {
668            return operations.get(0);
669        }
671        // okay we still got multiple operations, so need to match the best one
672        List<MethodInfo> candidates = new ArrayList<MethodInfo>();
673        MethodInfo fallbackCandidate = null;
674        for (MethodInfo info : operations) {
675            it = ObjectHelper.createIterator(parameters, ",", false);
676            int index = 0;
677            boolean matches = true;
678            while (it.hasNext()) {
679                String parameter = (String) it.next();
680                if (parameter != null) {
681                    // must trim
682                    parameter = parameter.trim();
683                }
685                Class<?> parameterType = BeanHelper.getValidParameterType(parameter);
686                Class<?> expectedType = info.getParameters().get(index).getType();
688                if (parameterType != null && expectedType != null) {
690                    // if its a simple language then we need to evaluate the expression
691                    // so we have the result and can find out what type the parameter actually is
692                    if (StringHelper.hasStartToken(parameter, "simple")) {
693                        LOG.trace("Evaluating simple expression for parameter #{}: {} to determine the class type of the parameter", index, parameter);
694                        Object out = getCamelContext().resolveLanguage("simple").createExpression(parameter).evaluate(exchange, Object.class);
695                        if (out != null) {
696                            parameterType = out.getClass();
697                        }
698                    }
700                    // skip java.lang.Object type, when we have multiple possible methods we want to avoid it if possible
701                    if (Object.class.equals(expectedType)) {
702                        fallbackCandidate = info;
703                        matches = false;
704                        break;
705                    }
707                    boolean matchingTypes = isParameterMatchingType(parameterType, expectedType);
708                    if (!matchingTypes) {
709                        matches = false;
710                        break;
711                    }
712                }
714                index++;
715            }
717            if (matches) {
718                candidates.add(info);
719            }
720        }
722        if (candidates.size() > 1) {
723            MethodInfo answer = getSingleCovariantMethod(candidates);
724            if (answer != null) {
725                return answer;
726            }
727        }
728        return candidates.size() == 1 ? candidates.get(0) : fallbackCandidate;
729    }
731    private boolean isParameterMatchingType(Class<?> parameterType, Class<?> expectedType) {
732        if (Number.class.equals(parameterType)) {
733            // number should match long/int/etc.
734            if (Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(expectedType) || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(expectedType)
735                    || int.class.isAssignableFrom(expectedType) || long.class.isAssignableFrom(expectedType)) {
736                return true;
737            }
738        }
739        return parameterType.isAssignableFrom(expectedType);
740    }
742    private MethodInfo getSingleCovariantMethod(Collection<MethodInfo> candidates) {
743        // if all the candidates are actually covariant, it doesn't matter which one we call
744        MethodInfo firstCandidate = candidates.iterator().next();
745        for (MethodInfo candidate : candidates) {
746            if (!firstCandidate.isCovariantWith(candidate)) {
747                return null;
748            }
749        }
750        return firstCandidate;
751    }
753    private MethodInfo chooseMethodWithMatchingBody(Exchange exchange, Collection<MethodInfo> operationList,
754                                                    List<MethodInfo> operationsWithCustomAnnotation)
755        throws AmbiguousMethodCallException {
756        // see if we can find a method whose body param type matches the message body
757        Message in = exchange.getIn();
758        Object body = in.getBody();
759        if (body != null) {
760            Class<?> bodyType = body.getClass();
761            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
762                LOG.trace("Matching for method with a single parameter that matches type: {}", bodyType.getCanonicalName());
763            }
765            List<MethodInfo> possibles = new ArrayList<>();
766            List<MethodInfo> possiblesWithException = null;
767            for (MethodInfo methodInfo : operationList) {
768                // test for MEP pattern matching
769                boolean out = exchange.getPattern().isOutCapable();
770                if (out && methodInfo.isReturnTypeVoid()) {
771                    // skip this method as the MEP is Out so the method must return something
772                    continue;
773                }
775                // try to match the arguments
776                if (methodInfo.bodyParameterMatches(bodyType)) {
777                    LOG.trace("Found a possible method: {}", methodInfo);
778                    if (methodInfo.hasExceptionParameter()) {
779                        // methods with accepts exceptions
780                        if (possiblesWithException == null) {
781                            possiblesWithException = new ArrayList<>();
782                        }
783                        possiblesWithException.add(methodInfo);
784                    } else {
785                        // regular methods with no exceptions
786                        possibles.add(methodInfo);
787                    }
788                }
789            }
791            // find best suited method to use
792            return chooseBestPossibleMethodInfo(exchange, operationList, body, possibles, possiblesWithException, operationsWithCustomAnnotation);
793        }
795        // no match so return null
796        return null;
797    }
799    private MethodInfo chooseBestPossibleMethodInfo(Exchange exchange, Collection<MethodInfo> operationList, Object body,
800                                                    List<MethodInfo> possibles, List<MethodInfo> possiblesWithException,
801                                                    List<MethodInfo> possibleWithCustomAnnotation)
802        throws AmbiguousMethodCallException {
804        Exception exception = ExpressionBuilder.exchangeExceptionExpression().evaluate(exchange, Exception.class);
805        if (exception != null && possiblesWithException != null && possiblesWithException.size() == 1) {
806            LOG.trace("Exchange has exception set so we prefer method that also has exception as parameter");
807            // prefer the method that accepts exception in case we have an exception also
808            return possiblesWithException.get(0);
809        } else if (possibles.size() == 1) {
810            return possibles.get(0);
811        } else if (possibles.isEmpty()) {
812            LOG.trace("No possible methods so now trying to convert body to parameter types");
814            // let's try converting
815            Object newBody = null;
816            MethodInfo matched = null;
817            int matchCounter = 0;
818            for (MethodInfo methodInfo : operationList) {
819                if (methodInfo.getBodyParameterType() != null) {
820                    if (methodInfo.getBodyParameterType().isInstance(body)) {
821                        return methodInfo;
822                    }
824                    // we should only try to convert, as we are looking for best match
825                    Object value = exchange.getContext().getTypeConverter().tryConvertTo(methodInfo.getBodyParameterType(), exchange, body);
826                    if (value != null) {
827                        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
828                            LOG.trace("Converted body from: {} to: {}",
829                                    body.getClass().getCanonicalName(), methodInfo.getBodyParameterType().getCanonicalName());
830                        }
831                        matchCounter++;
832                        newBody = value;
833                        matched = methodInfo;
834                    }
835                }
836            }
837            if (matchCounter > 1) {
838                throw new AmbiguousMethodCallException(exchange, Arrays.asList(matched, matched));
839            }
840            if (matched != null) {
841                LOG.trace("Setting converted body: {}", body);
842                Message in = exchange.getIn();
843                in.setBody(newBody);
844                return matched;
845            }
846        } else {
847            // if we only have a single method with custom annotations, let's use that one
848            if (possibleWithCustomAnnotation != null && possibleWithCustomAnnotation.size() == 1) {
849                MethodInfo answer = possibleWithCustomAnnotation.get(0);
850                LOG.trace("There are only one method with annotations so we choose it: {}", answer);
851                return answer;
852            }
853            // try to choose among multiple methods with annotations
854            MethodInfo chosen = chooseMethodWithCustomAnnotations(possibles);
855            if (chosen != null) {
856                return chosen;
857            }
858            // just make sure the methods aren't all actually the same
859            chosen = getSingleCovariantMethod(possibles);
860            if (chosen != null) {
861                return chosen;
862            }
863            throw new AmbiguousMethodCallException(exchange, possibles);
864        }
866        // cannot find a good method to use
867        return null;
868    }
870    /**
871     * Validates whether the given method is a valid candidate for Camel Bean Binding.
872     *
873     * @param clazz   the class
874     * @param method  the method
875     * @return true if valid, false to skip the method
876     */
877    protected boolean isValidMethod(Class<?> clazz, Method method) {
878        // must not be in the excluded list
879        for (Method excluded : EXCLUDED_METHODS) {
880            if (ObjectHelper.isOverridingMethod(excluded, method)) {
881                // the method is overriding an excluded method so its not valid
882                return false;
883            }
884        }
886        // must be a public method
887        if (!Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) {
888            return false;
889        }
891        // return type must not be an Exchange and it should not be a bridge method
892        if ((method.getReturnType() != null && Exchange.class.isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType())) || method.isBridge()) {
893            return false;
894        }
896        return true;
897    }
899    /**
900     * Gets the most specific override of a given method, if any. Indeed,
901     * overrides may have already been found while inspecting sub classes. Or
902     * the given method could override an interface extra method.
903     *
904     * @param proposedMethodInfo the method for which a more specific override is
905     *            searched
906     * @return The already registered most specific override if any, otherwise
907     *         <code>null</code>
908     */
909    private MethodInfo findMostSpecificOverride(MethodInfo proposedMethodInfo) {
910        for (MethodInfo alreadyRegisteredMethodInfo : methodMap.values()) {
911            Method alreadyRegisteredMethod = alreadyRegisteredMethodInfo.getMethod();
912            Method proposedMethod = proposedMethodInfo.getMethod();
914            if (ObjectHelper.isOverridingMethod(getType(), proposedMethod, alreadyRegisteredMethod, false)) {
915                return alreadyRegisteredMethodInfo;
916            } else if (ObjectHelper.isOverridingMethod(getType(), alreadyRegisteredMethod, proposedMethod, false)) {
917                return proposedMethodInfo;
918            }
919        }
921        return null;
922    }
924    private MethodInfo chooseMethodWithCustomAnnotations(Collection<MethodInfo> possibles) {
925        // if we have only one method with custom annotations let's choose that
926        MethodInfo chosen = null;
927        for (MethodInfo possible : possibles) {
928            if (possible.hasCustomAnnotation()) {
929                if (chosen != null) {
930                    chosen = null;
931                    break;
932                } else {
933                    chosen = possible;
934                }
935            }
936        }
937        return chosen;
938    }
940    /**
941     * Creates an expression for the given parameter type if the parameter can
942     * be mapped automatically or null if the parameter cannot be mapped due to
943     * insufficient annotations or not fitting with the default type
944     * conventions.
945     */
946    private Expression createParameterUnmarshalExpression(Class<?> clazz, Method method, 
947            Class<?> parameterType, Annotation[] parameterAnnotation) {
949        // look for a parameter annotation that converts into an expression
950        for (Annotation annotation : parameterAnnotation) {
951            Expression answer = createParameterUnmarshalExpressionForAnnotation(clazz, method, parameterType, annotation);
952            if (answer != null) {
953                return answer;
954            }
955        }
956        // no annotations then try the default parameter mappings
957        return strategy.getDefaultParameterTypeExpression(parameterType);
958    }
960    private Expression createParameterUnmarshalExpressionForAnnotation(Class<?> clazz, Method method, 
961            Class<?> parameterType, Annotation annotation) {
962        if (annotation instanceof AttachmentObjects) {
963            return ExpressionBuilder.attachmentObjectsExpression();
964        } else if (annotation instanceof Attachments) {
965            return ExpressionBuilder.attachmentsExpression();
966        } else if (annotation instanceof Property) {
967            Property propertyAnnotation = (Property)annotation;
968            return ExpressionBuilder.exchangePropertyExpression(propertyAnnotation.value());
969        } else if (annotation instanceof ExchangeProperty) {
970            ExchangeProperty propertyAnnotation = (ExchangeProperty)annotation;
971            return ExpressionBuilder.exchangePropertyExpression(propertyAnnotation.value());
972        } else if (annotation instanceof Properties) {
973            return ExpressionBuilder.exchangePropertiesExpression();
974        } else if (annotation instanceof ExchangeProperties) {
975            return ExpressionBuilder.exchangePropertiesExpression();
976        } else if (annotation instanceof Header) {
977            Header headerAnnotation = (Header)annotation;
978            return ExpressionBuilder.headerExpression(headerAnnotation.value());
979        } else if (annotation instanceof Headers) {
980            return ExpressionBuilder.headersExpression();
981        } else if (annotation instanceof OutHeaders) {
982            return ExpressionBuilder.outHeadersExpression();
983        } else if (annotation instanceof ExchangeException) {
984            return ExpressionBuilder.exchangeExceptionExpression(CastUtils.cast(parameterType, Exception.class));
985        } else if (annotation instanceof PropertyInject) {
986            PropertyInject propertyAnnotation = (PropertyInject) annotation;
987            Expression inject = ExpressionBuilder.propertiesComponentExpression(propertyAnnotation.value(), null, propertyAnnotation.defaultValue());
988            return ExpressionBuilder.convertToExpression(inject, parameterType);
989        } else {
990            LanguageAnnotation languageAnnotation = annotation.annotationType().getAnnotation(LanguageAnnotation.class);
991            if (languageAnnotation != null) {
992                Class<?> type = languageAnnotation.factory();
993                Object object = camelContext.getInjector().newInstance(type);
994                if (object instanceof AnnotationExpressionFactory) {
995                    AnnotationExpressionFactory expressionFactory = (AnnotationExpressionFactory) object;
996                    return expressionFactory.createExpression(camelContext, annotation, languageAnnotation, parameterType);
997                } else {
998                    LOG.warn("Ignoring bad annotation: " + languageAnnotation + "on method: " + method
999                            + " which declares a factory: " + type.getName()
1000                            + " which does not implement " + AnnotationExpressionFactory.class.getName());
1001                }
1002            }
1003        }
1005        return null;
1006    }
1008    private static void removeAllSetterOrGetterMethods(List<MethodInfo> methods) {
1009        Iterator<MethodInfo> it = methods.iterator();
1010        while (it.hasNext()) {
1011            MethodInfo info = it.next();
1012            if (IntrospectionSupport.isGetter(info.getMethod())) {
1013                // skip getters
1014                it.remove();
1015            } else if (IntrospectionSupport.isSetter(info.getMethod())) {
1016                // skip setters
1017                it.remove();
1018            }
1019        }
1020    }
1022    private void removeNonMatchingMethods(List<MethodInfo> methods, String name) {
1023        // method does not match so remove it
1024        methods.removeIf(info -> !matchMethod(info.getMethod(), name));
1025    }
1027    private void removeAllAbstractMethods(List<MethodInfo> methods) {
1028        Iterator<MethodInfo> it = methods.iterator();
1029        while (it.hasNext()) {
1030            MethodInfo info = it.next();
1031            // if the class is an interface then keep the method
1032            boolean isFromInterface = Modifier.isInterface(info.getMethod().getDeclaringClass().getModifiers());
1033            if (!isFromInterface && Modifier.isAbstract(info.getMethod().getModifiers())) {
1034                // we cannot invoke an abstract method
1035                it.remove();
1036            }
1037        }
1038    }
1040    private boolean matchMethod(Method method, String methodName) {
1041        if (methodName == null) {
1042            return true;
1043        }
1045        if (methodName.contains("(") && !methodName.endsWith(")")) {
1046            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Name must have both starting and ending parenthesis, was: " + methodName);
1047        }
1049        // do not use qualifier for name matching
1050        String name = methodName;
1051        if (name.contains("(")) {
1052            name = StringHelper.before(name, "(");
1053        }
1055        // must match name
1056        if (name != null && !name.equals(method.getName())) {
1057            return false;
1058        }
1060        // is it a method with no parameters
1061        boolean noParameters = methodName.endsWith("()");
1062        if (noParameters) {
1063            return method.getParameterCount() == 0;
1064        }
1066        // match qualifier types which is used to select among overloaded methods
1067        String types = StringHelper.between(methodName, "(", ")");
1068        if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(types)) {
1069            // we must qualify based on types to match method
1070            String[] parameters = StringQuoteHelper.splitSafeQuote(types, ',');
1071            Class<?>[] parameterTypes = null;
1072            Iterator<?> it = ObjectHelper.createIterator(parameters);
1073            for (int i = 0; i < method.getParameterCount(); i++) {
1074                if (it.hasNext()) {
1075                    if (parameterTypes == null) {
1076                        parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
1077                    }
1078                    Class<?> parameterType = parameterTypes[i];
1080                    String qualifyType = (String) it.next();
1081                    if (ObjectHelper.isEmpty(qualifyType)) {
1082                        continue;
1083                    }
1084                    // trim the type
1085                    qualifyType = qualifyType.trim();
1087                    if ("*".equals(qualifyType)) {
1088                        // * is a wildcard so we accept and match that parameter type
1089                        continue;
1090                    }
1092                    if (BeanHelper.isValidParameterValue(qualifyType)) {
1093                        // its a parameter value, so continue to next parameter
1094                        // as we should only check for FQN/type parameters
1095                        continue;
1096                    }
1098                    // if qualify type indeed is a class, then it must be assignable with the parameter type
1099                    Boolean assignable = BeanHelper.isAssignableToExpectedType(getCamelContext().getClassResolver(), qualifyType, parameterType);
1100                    // the method will return null if the qualifyType is not a class
1101                    if (assignable != null && !assignable) {
1102                        return false;
1103                    }
1105                } else {
1106                    // there method has more parameters than was specified in the method name qualifiers
1107                    return false;
1108                }
1109            }
1111            // if the method has no more types then we can only regard it as matched
1112            // if there are no more qualifiers
1113            if (it.hasNext()) {
1114                return false;
1115            }
1116        }
1118        // the method matched
1119        return true;
1120    }
1122    private static Class<?> getTargetClass(Class<?> clazz) {
1123        if (clazz != null && clazz.getName().contains(CGLIB_CLASS_SEPARATOR)) {
1124            Class<?> superClass = clazz.getSuperclass();
1125            if (superClass != null && !Object.class.equals(superClass)) {
1126                return superClass;
1127            }
1128        }
1129        return clazz;
1130    }
1132    /**
1133     * Do we have a method with the given name.
1134     * <p/>
1135     * Shorthand method names for getters is supported, so you can pass in eg 'name' and Camel
1136     * will can find the real 'getName' method instead.
1137     *
1138     * @param methodName the method name
1139     * @return <tt>true</tt> if we have such a method.
1140     */
1141    public boolean hasMethod(String methodName) {
1142        return getOperations(methodName) != null;
1143    }
1145    /**
1146     * Do we have a static method with the given name.
1147     * <p/>
1148     * Shorthand method names for getters is supported, so you can pass in eg 'name' and Camel
1149     * will can find the real 'getName' method instead.
1150     *
1151     * @param methodName the method name
1152     * @return <tt>true</tt> if we have such a static method.
1153     */
1154    public boolean hasStaticMethod(String methodName) {
1155        List<MethodInfo> methods = getOperations(methodName);
1156        if (methods == null || methods.isEmpty()) {
1157            return false;
1158        }
1159        for (MethodInfo method : methods) {
1160            if (method.isStaticMethod()) {
1161                return true;
1162            }
1163        }
1164        return false;
1165    }
1167    /**
1168     * Returns whether the bean class has any public constructors.
1169     */
1170    public boolean hasPublicConstructors() {
1171        return publicConstructors;
1172    }
1174    /**
1175     * Gets the list of methods sorted by A..Z method name.
1176     *
1177     * @return the methods.
1178     */
1179    public List<MethodInfo> getMethods() {
1180        if (operations.isEmpty()) {
1181            return Collections.emptyList();
1182        }
1184        List<MethodInfo> methods = new ArrayList<MethodInfo>();
1185        for (Collection<MethodInfo> col : operations.values()) {
1186            methods.addAll(col);
1187        }
1189        if (methods.size() > 1) {
1190            // sort the methods by name A..Z
1191            methods.sort(Comparator.comparing(o -> o.getMethod().getName()));
1192        }
1193        return methods;
1194    }
1196    /**
1197     * Does any of the methods have a Canel @Handler annotation.
1198     */
1199    public boolean hasAnyMethodHandlerAnnotation() {
1200        return !operationsWithHandlerAnnotation.isEmpty();
1201    }
1203    /**
1204     * Get the operation(s) with the given name. We can have multiple when methods is overloaded.
1205     * <p/>
1206     * Shorthand method names for getters is supported, so you can pass in eg 'name' and Camel
1207     * will can find the real 'getName' method instead.
1208     *
1209     * @param methodName the method name
1210     * @return the found method, or <tt>null</tt> if not found
1211     */
1212    private List<MethodInfo> getOperations(String methodName) {
1213        // do not use qualifier for name
1214        if (methodName.contains("(")) {
1215            methodName = StringHelper.before(methodName, "(");
1216        }
1218        List<MethodInfo> answer = operations.get(methodName);
1219        if (answer != null) {
1220            return answer;
1221        }
1223        // now try all getters to see if any of those matched the methodName
1224        for (Method method : methodMap.keySet()) {
1225            if (IntrospectionSupport.isGetter(method)) {
1226                String shorthandMethodName = IntrospectionSupport.getGetterShorthandName(method);
1227                // if the two names matches then see if we can find it using that name
1228                if (methodName != null && methodName.equals(shorthandMethodName)) {
1229                    return operations.get(method.getName());
1230                }
1231            }
1232        }
1234        return null;
1235    }