Class SimpleCxfRsBinding

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    CxfRsBinding, org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategyAware

    public class SimpleCxfRsBinding
    extends DefaultCxfRsBinding
    A CXF RS Binding which maps method parameters as Camel IN headers and the payload as the IN message body. It replaces the default behaviour of creating a MessageContentsList, which requires the route to process the contents low-level.

    The mapping from CXF to Camel is performed as follows:

    • JAX-RS Parameter types (@QueryParam, @HeaderParam, @CookieParam, @FormParam, @PathParam, @MatrixParam) are all transferred as IN message headers.
    • If a request entity is clearly identified (for example, because it's the only parameter without an annotation), it's set as the IN message body. Otherwise, the original MessageContentsList is preserved as the message body.
    • If Multipart is in use, binary parts are mapped as Camel IN message attachments, while any others are mapped as IN message headers for convenience. These classes are considered binary: Attachment, DataHandler, DataSource, InputStream. Additionally, the original MessageContentsList is preserved as the message body.
    For example, the following JAX-RS method signatures are supported, with the specified outcomes:

    public Response doAction(BusinessObject request);
    Request payload is placed in IN message body, replacing the original MessageContentsList.

    public Response doAction(BusinessObject request, @HeaderParam("abcd") String abcd, @QueryParam("defg") String defg);
    Request payload placed in IN message body, replacing the original MessageContentsList. Both request params mapped as IN message headers with names abcd and defg.

    public Response doAction(@HeaderParam("abcd") String abcd, @QueryParam("defg") String defg);
    Both request params mapped as IN message headers with names abcd and defg. The original MessageContentsList is preserved, even though it only contains the 2 parameters.

    public Response doAction(@Multipart(value="body1", type="application/json") BusinessObject request, @Multipart(value="image", type="image/jpeg") DataHandler image);
    The first parameter is transferred as a POJO in a header named body1, while the second parameter gets injected as an attachment with name image. The MIME type is observed by the CXF stack. The IN message body is the original MessageContentsList handed over from CXF.

    public Response doAction(InputStream abcd);
    The InputStream is unwrapped from the MessageContentsList and preserved as the IN message body.

    public Response doAction(DataHandler abcd);
    The DataHandler is unwrapped from the MessageContentsList and preserved as the IN message body.

    • Constructor Detail

      • SimpleCxfRsBinding

        public SimpleCxfRsBinding()
    • Method Detail

      • populateExchangeFromCxfRsRequest

        public void populateExchangeFromCxfRsRequest​(org.apache.cxf.message.Exchange cxfExchange,
                                                     org.apache.camel.Exchange camelExchange,
                                                     Method method,
                                                     Object[] paramArray)
        Description copied from interface: CxfRsBinding
        Populate the camel exchange from the CxfRsRequest, the exchange will be consumed by the processor which the CxfRsConsumer attached.
        Specified by:
        populateExchangeFromCxfRsRequest in interface CxfRsBinding
        populateExchangeFromCxfRsRequest in class DefaultCxfRsBinding
        cxfExchange - cxf exchange object
        camelExchange - camel exchange object
        method - the method which is need for the camel component
        paramArray - the parameter list for the method invocation
      • buildResponse

        protected Object buildResponse​(org.apache.camel.Exchange camelExchange,
                                       Object base)
        Builds the response for the client.

        Always returns a JAX-RS Response object, which gives the user a better control on the response behaviour. If the message body is already an instance of Response, we reuse it and just inject the relevant HTTP headers.

        camelExchange -
        base -
      • filterCamelHeadersForResponseHeaders

        protected Map<String,​String> filterCamelHeadersForResponseHeaders​(Map<String,​Object> headers,
                                                                                org.apache.camel.Exchange camelExchange)
        Filters the response headers that will be sent back to the client.

        The DefaultCxfRsBinding doesn't filter the response headers according to the HeaderFilterStrategy, so we handle this task in this binding.

      • bindHeadersFromSubresourceLocators

        protected void bindHeadersFromSubresourceLocators​(org.apache.cxf.message.Exchange cxfExchange,
                                                          org.apache.camel.Exchange camelExchange)
        Transfers path parameters from the full path (including ancestor subresource locators) into Camel IN Message Headers.
      • bindParameters

        protected void bindParameters​(org.apache.camel.Message in,
                                      Object[] paramArray,
                                      String[] paramNames,
                                      int numberParameters)
        Binds JAX-RS parameter types (@HeaderParam, @QueryParam, @MatrixParam, etc.) to the exchange.
        in -
        paramArray -
        paramNames -
        numberParameters -
      • bindBody

        protected void bindBody​(org.apache.camel.Message in,
                                Object[] paramArray,
                                int singleBodyIndex)
        Binds the message body.
        in -
        paramArray -
        singleBodyIndex -