Class AsteriskEndpointBuilderFactory.AsteriskHeaderNameBuilder

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static class AsteriskEndpointBuilderFactory.AsteriskHeaderNameBuilder
    extends Object
    The builder of headers' name for the Asterisk component.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AsteriskHeaderNameBuilder

        public AsteriskHeaderNameBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • asteriskEventName

        public String asteriskEventName()
        The name of the Asterisk event. The option is a: java.lang.String type. Default: Simple name of the event Group: consumer
        the name of the header AsteriskEventName.
      • asteriskExtension

        public String asteriskExtension()
        The extension to query in case of an ExtensionStateAction. The option is a: java.lang.String type. Group: producer
        the name of the header AsteriskExtension.
      • asteriskContext

        public String asteriskContext()
        The name of the context that contains the extension to query in case of an ExtensionStateAction. The option is a: java.lang.String type. Group: producer
        the name of the header AsteriskContext.
      • asteriskAction

        public String asteriskAction()
        The Asterisk action to do. The option is a: org.apache.camel.component.asterisk.AsteriskAction type. Group: producer
        the name of the header AsteriskAction.