Interface CouchDbEndpointBuilderFactory.CouchDbBuilders

    • Method Detail

      • couchdb

        default CouchDbEndpointBuilderFactory.CouchDbHeaderNameBuilder couchdb()
        CouchDB (camel-couchdb) Consume changesets for inserts, updates and deletes in a CouchDB database, as well as get, save, update and delete documents from a CouchDB database. Category: database,nosql Since: 2.11 Maven coordinates: org.apache.camel:camel-couchdb
        the dsl builder for the headers' name.
      • couchdb

        default CouchDbEndpointBuilderFactory.CouchDbEndpointBuilder couchdb​(String path)
        CouchDB (camel-couchdb) Consume changesets for inserts, updates and deletes in a CouchDB database, as well as get, save, update and delete documents from a CouchDB database. Category: database,nosql Since: 2.11 Maven coordinates: org.apache.camel:camel-couchdb Syntax: couchdb:protocol:hostname:port/database Path parameter: protocol (required) The protocol to use for communicating with the database. There are 2 enums and the value can be one of: http, https Path parameter: hostname (required) Hostname of the running couchdb instance Path parameter: port Port number for the running couchdb instance Default value: 5984 Path parameter: database (required) Name of the database to use
        path - protocol:hostname:port/database
        the dsl builder
      • couchdb

        default CouchDbEndpointBuilderFactory.CouchDbEndpointBuilder couchdb​(String componentName,
                                                                             String path)
        CouchDB (camel-couchdb) Consume changesets for inserts, updates and deletes in a CouchDB database, as well as get, save, update and delete documents from a CouchDB database. Category: database,nosql Since: 2.11 Maven coordinates: org.apache.camel:camel-couchdb Syntax: couchdb:protocol:hostname:port/database Path parameter: protocol (required) The protocol to use for communicating with the database. There are 2 enums and the value can be one of: http, https Path parameter: hostname (required) Hostname of the running couchdb instance Path parameter: port Port number for the running couchdb instance Default value: 5984 Path parameter: database (required) Name of the database to use
        componentName - to use a custom component name for the endpoint instead of the default name
        path - protocol:hostname:port/database
        the dsl builder