Interface XmlSignerEndpointBuilderFactory.XmlSignerBuilders

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
EndpointRouteBuilder, EndpointRouteConfigurationBuilder
Enclosing interface:

public static interface XmlSignerEndpointBuilderFactory.XmlSignerBuilders
  • Method Details

    • xmlsecuritySign

      XML Security Sign (camel-xmlsecurity) Sign XML payloads using the XML signature specification. Category: security,transformation Since: 2.12 Maven coordinates: org.apache.camel:camel-xmlsecurity
      the dsl builder for the headers' name.
    • xmlsecuritySign

      XML Security Sign (camel-xmlsecurity) Sign XML payloads using the XML signature specification. Category: security,transformation Since: 2.12 Maven coordinates: org.apache.camel:camel-xmlsecurity Syntax: xmlsecurity-sign:name Path parameter: name (required) The name part in the URI can be chosen by the user to distinguish between different signer endpoints within the camel context.
      path - name
      the dsl builder
    • xmlsecuritySign

      default XmlSignerEndpointBuilderFactory.XmlSignerEndpointBuilder xmlsecuritySign(String componentName, String path)
      XML Security Sign (camel-xmlsecurity) Sign XML payloads using the XML signature specification. Category: security,transformation Since: 2.12 Maven coordinates: org.apache.camel:camel-xmlsecurity Syntax: xmlsecurity-sign:name Path parameter: name (required) The name part in the URI can be chosen by the user to distinguish between different signer endpoints within the camel context.
      componentName - to use a custom component name for the endpoint instead of the default name
      path - name
      the dsl builder