Class IgniteQueueEndpointBuilderFactory.IgniteQueueHeaderNameBuilder

Enclosing interface:

public static class IgniteQueueEndpointBuilderFactory.IgniteQueueHeaderNameBuilder extends Object
The builder of headers' name for the Ignite Queues component.
  • Constructor Details

    • IgniteQueueHeaderNameBuilder

      public IgniteQueueHeaderNameBuilder()
  • Method Details

    • igniteQueueOperation

      public String igniteQueueOperation()
      Allows you to dynamically change the queue operation. The option is a: org.apache.camel.component.ignite.queue.IgniteQueueOperation type. Group: producer
      the name of the header IgniteQueueOperation.
    • igniteQueueMaxElements

      public String igniteQueueMaxElements()
      When invoking the DRAIN operation, the amount of items to drain. The option is a: Integer type. Group: producer
      the name of the header IgniteQueueMaxElements.
    • igniteQueueTransferredCount

      public String igniteQueueTransferredCount()
      The amount of items transferred as the result of the DRAIN operation. The option is a: Integer type. Group: producer
      the name of the header IgniteQueueTransferredCount.
    • igniteQueueTimeoutMillis

      public String igniteQueueTimeoutMillis()
      Dynamically sets the timeout in milliseconds to use when invoking the OFFER or POLL operations. The option is a: Long type. Group: producer
      the name of the header IgniteQueueTimeoutMillis.