Interface KubernetesPodsEndpointBuilderFactory.KubernetesPodsBuilders

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
EndpointRouteBuilder, EndpointRouteConfigurationBuilder
Enclosing interface:

public static interface KubernetesPodsEndpointBuilderFactory.KubernetesPodsBuilders
  • Method Details

    • kubernetesPods

      Kubernetes Pods (camel-kubernetes) Perform operations on Kubernetes Pods and get notified on Pod changes. Category: container,cloud Since: 2.17 Maven coordinates: org.apache.camel:camel-kubernetes
      the dsl builder for the headers' name.
    • kubernetesPods

      Kubernetes Pods (camel-kubernetes) Perform operations on Kubernetes Pods and get notified on Pod changes. Category: container,cloud Since: 2.17 Maven coordinates: org.apache.camel:camel-kubernetes Syntax: kubernetes-pods:masterUrl Path parameter: masterUrl (required) URL to a remote Kubernetes API server. This should only be used when your Camel application is connecting from outside Kubernetes. If you run your Camel application inside Kubernetes, then you can use local or client as the URL to tell Camel to run in local mode. If you connect remotely to Kubernetes, then you may also need some of the many other configuration options for secured connection with certificates, etc.
      path - masterUrl
      the dsl builder
    • kubernetesPods

      Kubernetes Pods (camel-kubernetes) Perform operations on Kubernetes Pods and get notified on Pod changes. Category: container,cloud Since: 2.17 Maven coordinates: org.apache.camel:camel-kubernetes Syntax: kubernetes-pods:masterUrl Path parameter: masterUrl (required) URL to a remote Kubernetes API server. This should only be used when your Camel application is connecting from outside Kubernetes. If you run your Camel application inside Kubernetes, then you can use local or client as the URL to tell Camel to run in local mode. If you connect remotely to Kubernetes, then you may also need some of the many other configuration options for secured connection with certificates, etc.
      componentName - to use a custom component name for the endpoint instead of the default name
      path - masterUrl
      the dsl builder