Class Etcd3Configuration

All Implemented Interfaces:

@UriParams public class Etcd3Configuration extends Object implements Cloneable
  • Constructor Details

    • Etcd3Configuration

      public Etcd3Configuration()
  • Method Details

    • getEndpoints

      public String[] getEndpoints()
    • setEndpoints

      public void setEndpoints(String... endpoints)
      Configure etcd server endpoints using the IPNameResolver.
    • getUserName

      public String getUserName()
    • setUserName

      public void setUserName(String userName)
      Configure etcd auth user.
    • getPassword

      public String getPassword()
    • setPassword

      public void setPassword(String password)
      Configure etcd auth password.
    • getNamespace

      public String getNamespace()
    • setNamespace

      public void setNamespace(String namespace)
      Configure the namespace of keys used. "/" will be treated as no namespace.
    • getSslContext

      public io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContext getSslContext()
    • setSslContext

      public void setSslContext(io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContext sslContext)
      Configure SSL/TLS context to use instead of the system default.
    • getLoadBalancerPolicy

      public String getLoadBalancerPolicy()
    • setLoadBalancerPolicy

      public void setLoadBalancerPolicy(String loadBalancerPolicy)
      Configure etcd load balancer policy.
    • getAuthority

      public String getAuthority()
    • setAuthority

      public void setAuthority(String authority)
      Configure the authority used to authenticate connections to servers.
    • getMaxInboundMessageSize

      public Integer getMaxInboundMessageSize()
    • setMaxInboundMessageSize

      public void setMaxInboundMessageSize(Integer maxInboundMessageSize)
      Configure the maximum message size allowed for a single gRPC frame.
    • getHeaders

      public Map<String,String> getHeaders()
    • setHeaders

      public void setHeaders(Map<String,String> headers)
      Configure the headers to be added to http request headers.
    • getAuthHeaders

      public Map<String,String> getAuthHeaders()
    • setAuthHeaders

      public void setAuthHeaders(Map<String,String> authHeaders)
      Configure the headers to be added to auth request headers.
    • getRetryDelay

      public long getRetryDelay()
    • setRetryDelay

      public void setRetryDelay(long retryDelay)
      Configure the delay between retries in milliseconds.
    • getRetryMaxDelay

      public long getRetryMaxDelay()
    • setRetryMaxDelay

      public void setRetryMaxDelay(long retryMaxDelay)
      Configure the max backing off delay between retries in milliseconds.
    • getKeepAliveTime

      public Duration getKeepAliveTime()
    • setKeepAliveTime

      public void setKeepAliveTime(Duration keepAliveTime)
      Configure the interval for gRPC keepalives. The current minimum allowed by gRPC is 10 seconds.
    • getKeepAliveTimeout

      public Duration getKeepAliveTimeout()
    • setKeepAliveTimeout

      public void setKeepAliveTimeout(Duration keepAliveTimeout)
      Configure the timeout for gRPC keepalives.
    • getRetryMaxDuration

      public Duration getRetryMaxDuration()
    • setRetryMaxDuration

      public void setRetryMaxDuration(Duration retryMaxDuration)
      Configure the retries max duration.
    • getConnectionTimeout

      public Duration getConnectionTimeout()
    • setConnectionTimeout

      public void setConnectionTimeout(Duration connectionTimeout)
      Configure the connection timeout.
    • isPrefix

      public boolean isPrefix()
    • setPrefix

      public void setPrefix(boolean prefix)
      To apply an action on all the key-value pairs whose key that starts with the target path.
    • getFromIndex

      public long getFromIndex()
    • setFromIndex

      public void setFromIndex(long fromIndex)
      The index to watch from.
    • getServicePath

      public String getServicePath()
    • setServicePath

      public void setServicePath(String servicePath)
      The path to look for service discovery.
    • getKeyCharset

      public String getKeyCharset()
    • setKeyCharset

      public void setKeyCharset(String keyCharset)
      Configure the charset to use for the keys.
    • getValueCharset

      public String getValueCharset()
    • setValueCharset

      public void setValueCharset(String valueCharset)
      Configure the charset to use for the values.
    • createClient

      public io.etcd.jetcd.Client createClient()
      a Client instance configured with all parameters set.