Class FileResumeSet

  • public final class FileResumeSet
    extends Object
    This contains the input/output file set for resume operations.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FileResumeSet

        public FileResumeSet​(File[] inputFiles)
    • Method Detail

      • resumeEach

        public void resumeEach​(Predicate<File> resumableCheck)
        Iterates over the set of input files checking if they should be resumed or not
        resumableCheck - a checker method that returns true if the file should be resumed or false otherwise
      • resumedFiles

        public File[] resumedFiles()
        Gets the files that should be resumed
        an array with the files that should be resumed
      • hasResumables

        public boolean hasResumables()
        Whether there are resumable files to process
        true if there are resumable files or false otherwise