Class GoogleSheetsConfiguration

Direct Known Subclasses:
SheetsSpreadsheetsEndpointConfiguration, SheetsSpreadsheetsValuesEndpointConfiguration

@UriParams @Configurer(extended=true) public class GoogleSheetsConfiguration extends
Component configuration for GoogleSheets component.
  • Constructor Details

    • GoogleSheetsConfiguration

      public GoogleSheetsConfiguration()
  • Method Details

    • getApiName

      public GoogleSheetsApiName getApiName()
    • setApiName

      public void setApiName(GoogleSheetsApiName apiName)
      What kind of operation to perform
    • getMethodName

      public String getMethodName()
    • setMethodName

      public void setMethodName(String methodName)
      What sub operation to use for the selected operation
    • getClientId

      public String getClientId()
    • setClientId

      public void setClientId(String clientId)
      Client ID of the sheets application
    • getClientSecret

      public String getClientSecret()
    • setClientSecret

      public void setClientSecret(String clientSecret)
      Client secret of the sheets application
    • getAccessToken

      public String getAccessToken()
    • setAccessToken

      public void setAccessToken(String accessToken)
      OAuth 2 access token. This typically expires after an hour so refreshToken is recommended for long term usage.
    • getRefreshToken

      public String getRefreshToken()
    • setRefreshToken

      public void setRefreshToken(String refreshToken)
      OAuth 2 refresh token. Using this, the Google Sheets component can obtain a new accessToken whenever the current one expires - a necessity if the application is long-lived.
    • getApplicationName

      public String getApplicationName()
    • setApplicationName

      public void setApplicationName(String applicationName)
      Google Sheets application name. Example would be "camel-google-sheets/1.0"
    • getScopes

      public Collection<String> getScopes()
    • setScopes

      public void setScopes(Collection<String> scopes)
      Specifies the level of permissions you want a sheets application to have to a user account. See for more info.
      See Also:
      • SheetsScopes
    • getServiceAccountKey

      public String getServiceAccountKey()
    • setServiceAccountKey

      public void setServiceAccountKey(String serviceAccountKey)
      Sets "*.json" file with credentials for Service account
      serviceAccountKey - String file, classpath, or http url
    • getDelegate

      public String getDelegate()
    • setDelegate

      public void setDelegate(String delegate)
      Delegate for wide-domain service account