001    /**
002     * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003     * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004     * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005     * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006     * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007     * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008     *
009     *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010     *
011     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015     * limitations under the License.
016     */
017    package org.apache.camel.component.http4;
019    import java.io.File;
020    import java.io.IOException;
021    import java.io.InputStream;
022    import java.io.PrintWriter;
023    import java.io.Serializable;
024    import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
025    import java.net.URLDecoder;
026    import java.util.Enumeration;
027    import java.util.Map;
028    import javax.activation.DataHandler;
029    import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream;
030    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
031    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
033    import org.apache.camel.Endpoint;
034    import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
035    import org.apache.camel.InvalidPayloadException;
036    import org.apache.camel.Message;
037    import org.apache.camel.RuntimeCamelException;
038    import org.apache.camel.StreamCache;
039    import org.apache.camel.component.http4.helper.CamelFileDataSource;
040    import org.apache.camel.component.http4.helper.GZIPHelper;
041    import org.apache.camel.component.http4.helper.HttpHelper;
042    import org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy;
043    import org.apache.camel.util.IOHelper;
044    import org.apache.camel.util.MessageHelper;
045    import org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper;
047    /**
048     * Binding between {@link HttpMessage} and {@link HttpServletResponse}.
049     *
050     * @version $Revision: 1053671 $
051     */
052    public class DefaultHttpBinding implements HttpBinding {
054        private boolean useReaderForPayload;
055        private HeaderFilterStrategy headerFilterStrategy = new HttpHeaderFilterStrategy();
056        private HttpEndpoint endpoint;
058        @Deprecated
059        public DefaultHttpBinding() {
060        }
062        @Deprecated
063        public DefaultHttpBinding(HeaderFilterStrategy headerFilterStrategy) {
064            this.headerFilterStrategy = headerFilterStrategy;
065        }
067        public DefaultHttpBinding(HttpEndpoint endpoint) {
068            this.endpoint = endpoint;
069            this.headerFilterStrategy = endpoint.getHeaderFilterStrategy();
070        }
072        public void readRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpMessage message) {
074            // lets force a parse of the body and headers
075            message.getBody();
076            // populate the headers from the request
077            Map<String, Object> headers = message.getHeaders();
079            //apply the headerFilterStrategy
080            Enumeration names = request.getHeaderNames();
081            while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
082                String name = (String) names.nextElement();
083                Object value = request.getHeader(name);
084                // mapping the content-type 
085                if (name.toLowerCase().equals("content-type")) {
086                    name = Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE;
087                }
088                if (headerFilterStrategy != null
089                        && !headerFilterStrategy.applyFilterToExternalHeaders(name, value, message.getExchange())) {
090                    headers.put(name, value);
091                }
092            }
094            if (request.getCharacterEncoding() != null) {
095                headers.put(Exchange.HTTP_CHARACTER_ENCODING, request.getCharacterEncoding());
096                message.getExchange().setProperty(Exchange.CHARSET_NAME, request.getCharacterEncoding());
097            }
099            try {
100                populateRequestParameters(request, message);
101            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
102                throw new RuntimeCamelException("Cannot read request parameters due " + e.getMessage(), e);
103            }
105            Object body = message.getBody();
106            // reset the stream cache if the body is the instance of StreamCache
107            if (body instanceof StreamCache) {
108                ((StreamCache) body).reset();
109            }
111            // store the method and query and other info in headers
112            headers.put(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, request.getMethod());
113            headers.put(Exchange.HTTP_QUERY, request.getQueryString());
114            headers.put(Exchange.HTTP_URL, request.getRequestURL());
115            headers.put(Exchange.HTTP_URI, request.getRequestURI());
116            headers.put(Exchange.HTTP_PATH, request.getPathInfo());
117            headers.put(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, request.getContentType());
119            // if content type is serialized java object, then de-serialize it to a Java object
120            if (request.getContentType() != null && HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_JAVA_SERIALIZED_OBJECT.equals(request.getContentType())) {
121                try {
122                    InputStream is = endpoint.getCamelContext().getTypeConverter().mandatoryConvertTo(InputStream.class, body);
123                    Object object = HttpHelper.deserializeJavaObjectFromStream(is);
124                    if (object != null) {
125                        message.setBody(object);
126                    }
127                } catch (Exception e) {
128                    throw new RuntimeCamelException("Cannot deserialize body to Java object", e);
129                }
130            }
132            populateAttachments(request, message);
133        }
135        protected void populateRequestParameters(HttpServletRequest request, HttpMessage message) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
136            //we populate the http request parameters without checking the request method
137            Map<String, Object> headers = message.getHeaders();
138            Enumeration names = request.getParameterNames();
139            while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
140                String name = (String) names.nextElement();
141                Object value = request.getParameter(name);
142                if (headerFilterStrategy != null
143                        && !headerFilterStrategy.applyFilterToExternalHeaders(name, value, message.getExchange())) {
144                    headers.put(name, value);
145                }
146            }
147            if (request.getMethod().equals("POST") && request.getContentType() != null
148                    && request.getContentType().startsWith(HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED)) {
149                String charset = request.getCharacterEncoding();
150                if (charset == null) {
151                    charset = "UTF-8";
152                }
153                // Push POST form params into the headers to retain compatibility with DefaultHttpBinding
154                String body = message.getBody(String.class);
155                for (String param : body.split("&")) {
156                    String[] pair = param.split("=", 2);
157                    String name = URLDecoder.decode(pair[0], charset);
158                    String value = URLDecoder.decode(pair[1], charset);
159                    if (headerFilterStrategy != null
160                            && !headerFilterStrategy.applyFilterToExternalHeaders(name, value, message.getExchange())) {
161                        headers.put(name, value);
162                    }
163                }
164            }
165        }
167        protected void populateAttachments(HttpServletRequest request, HttpMessage message) {
168            // check if there is multipart files, if so will put it into DataHandler
169            Enumeration names = request.getAttributeNames();
170            while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
171                String name = (String) names.nextElement();
172                Object object = request.getAttribute(name);
173                if (object instanceof File) {
174                    String fileName = request.getParameter(name);
175                    message.addAttachment(fileName, new DataHandler(new CamelFileDataSource((File) object, fileName)));
176                }
177            }
178        }
180        public void writeResponse(Exchange exchange, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
181            if (exchange.isFailed()) {
182                if (exchange.getException() != null) {
183                    doWriteExceptionResponse(exchange.getException(), response);
184                } else {
185                    // it must be a fault, no need to check for the fault flag on the message
186                    doWriteFaultResponse(exchange.getOut(), response, exchange);
187                }
188            } else {
189                // just copy the protocol relates header
190                copyProtocolHeaders(exchange.getIn(), exchange.getOut());
191                Message out = exchange.getOut();
192                if (out != null) {
193                    doWriteResponse(out, response, exchange);
194                }
195            }
196        }
198        private void copyProtocolHeaders(Message request, Message response) {
199            if (request.getHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_ENCODING) != null) {
200                String contentEncoding = request.getHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_ENCODING, String.class);
201                response.setHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_ENCODING, contentEncoding);
202            }
203            if (checkChunked(response, response.getExchange())) {
204                response.setHeader(Exchange.TRANSFER_ENCODING, "chunked");
205            }
206        }
208        public void doWriteExceptionResponse(Throwable exception, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
209            // 500 for internal server error
210            response.setStatus(500);
211            if (endpoint != null && endpoint.isTransferException()) {
212                // transfer the exception as a serialized java object
213                HttpHelper.writeObjectToServletResponse(response, exception);
214            } else {
215                // write stacktrace as plain text
216                response.setContentType("text/plain");
217                PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter();
218                exception.printStackTrace(pw);
219                pw.flush();
220            }
221        }
223        public void doWriteFaultResponse(Message message, HttpServletResponse response, Exchange exchange) throws IOException {
224            doWriteResponse(message, response, exchange);
225        }
227        public void doWriteResponse(Message message, HttpServletResponse response, Exchange exchange) throws IOException {
228            // set the status code in the response. Default is 200.
229            if (message.getHeader(Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE) != null) {
230                int code = message.getHeader(Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE, Integer.class);
231                response.setStatus(code);
232            }
233            // set the content type in the response.
234            String contentType = MessageHelper.getContentType(message);
235            if (MessageHelper.getContentType(message) != null) {
236                response.setContentType(contentType);
237            }
239            // append headers
240            for (String key : message.getHeaders().keySet()) {
241                String value = message.getHeader(key, String.class);
242                if (headerFilterStrategy != null
243                        && !headerFilterStrategy.applyFilterToCamelHeaders(key, value, exchange)) {
244                    response.setHeader(key, value);
245                }
246            }
248            // write the body.
249            if (message.getBody() != null) {
250                if (GZIPHelper.isGzip(message)) {
251                    doWriteGZIPResponse(message, response, exchange);
252                } else {
253                    doWriteDirectResponse(message, response, exchange);
254                }
255            }
256        }
258        protected void doWriteDirectResponse(Message message, HttpServletResponse response, Exchange exchange) throws IOException {
259            // if content type is serialized Java object, then serialize and write it to the response
260            String contentType = message.getHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, String.class);
261            if (contentType != null && HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_JAVA_SERIALIZED_OBJECT.equals(contentType)) {
262                try {
263                    Object object = message.getMandatoryBody(Serializable.class);
264                    HttpHelper.writeObjectToServletResponse(response, object);
265                    // object is written so return
266                    return;
267                } catch (InvalidPayloadException e) {
268                    throw IOHelper.createIOException(e);
269                }
270            }
272            // other kind of content type
273            InputStream is = null;
274            if (checkChunked(message, exchange)) {
275                is = message.getBody(InputStream.class);
276            }
277            if (is != null) {
278                ServletOutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();
279                try {
280                    // copy directly from input stream to output stream
281                    IOHelper.copy(is, os);
282                } finally {
283                    IOHelper.close(os);
284                    IOHelper.close(is);
285                }
286            } else {
287                // not convertable as a stream so try as a String
288                String data = message.getBody(String.class);
289                if (data != null) {
290                    // set content length before we write data
291                    response.setContentLength(data.length());
292                    response.getWriter().print(data);
293                    response.getWriter().flush();
294                }
295            }
296        }
298        protected boolean checkChunked(Message message, Exchange exchange) {
299            boolean answer = true;
300            if (message.getHeader(Exchange.HTTP_CHUNKED) == null) {
301                // check the endpoint option
302                Endpoint endpoint = exchange.getFromEndpoint();
303                if (endpoint instanceof HttpEndpoint) {
304                    answer = ((HttpEndpoint) endpoint).isChunked();
305                }
306            } else {
307                answer = message.getHeader(Exchange.HTTP_CHUNKED, boolean.class);
308            }
309            return answer;
310        }
312        protected void doWriteGZIPResponse(Message message, HttpServletResponse response, Exchange exchange) throws IOException {
313            byte[] bytes;
314            try {
315                bytes = message.getMandatoryBody(byte[].class);
316            } catch (InvalidPayloadException e) {
317                throw ObjectHelper.wrapRuntimeCamelException(e);
318            }
320            byte[] data = GZIPHelper.compressGZIP(bytes);
321            ServletOutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();
322            try {
323                response.setContentLength(data.length);
324                os.write(data);
325                os.flush();
326            } finally {
327                IOHelper.close(os);
328            }
329        }
331        public Object parseBody(HttpMessage httpMessage) throws IOException {
332            // lets assume the body is a reader
333            HttpServletRequest request = httpMessage.getRequest();
334            // Need to handle the GET Method which has no inputStream
335            if ("GET".equals(request.getMethod())) {
336                return null;
337            }
338            if (isUseReaderForPayload()) {
339                // use reader to read the response body
340                return request.getReader();
341            } else {
342                // reade the response body from servlet request
343                return HttpHelper.readResponseBodyFromServletRequest(request, httpMessage.getExchange());
344            }
345        }
347        public boolean isUseReaderForPayload() {
348            return useReaderForPayload;
349        }
351        public void setUseReaderForPayload(boolean useReaderForPayload) {
352            this.useReaderForPayload = useReaderForPayload;
353        }
355        public HeaderFilterStrategy getHeaderFilterStrategy() {
356            return headerFilterStrategy;
357        }
359        public void setHeaderFilterStrategy(HeaderFilterStrategy headerFilterStrategy) {
360            this.headerFilterStrategy = headerFilterStrategy;
361        }
363    }