All Classes and Interfaces

This is a base class of camel-ignite components which correspond to following Apache Ignite functions: IgniteCacheComponent: Cache operations. IgniteComputeComponent: Cluster computation. IgniteMessagingComponent: Messaging. IgniteEventsComponent: Eventing. IgniteIdGenComponent: Id Generation. IgniteSetComponent: Set operations. IgniteQueueComponent: Queue operations.
Modes of managing the underlying Ignite instance.
Base class for all Ignite endpoints.
Implement this interface to create an expression that returns a ClusterGroup from the Ignite instance that was passed in.
Convenient set of commonly used ClusterGroupExpressions.
The Ignite Cache Component.
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A consumer that generates Exchanges for items received from a continuous query.
Perform cache operations on an Ignite cache or consume changes from a continuous query.
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Enumeration of Ignite Cache operations.
Ignite Cache producer.
The Ignite Compute Component.
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Run compute operations on an Ignite cluster.
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Enumeration of execution type for the Ignite Compute producer.
Ignite Compute producer.
Ignite Component constants.
The Ignite Events Component.
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Ignite Events consumer.
Receive events from an Ignite cluster by creating a local event listener.
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Helper methods for the Ignite component.
The Ignite ID Generator Component.
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Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Enumeration of ID Generator / AtomicSequence operations.
Ignite ID Generator producer.
The Ignite Messaging Component.
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Ignite Messaging consumer.
Send and receive messages from an Ignite topic.
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Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Ignite Messaging producer.
Enum for Ignite Messaging send modes.
The Ignite Queue Component.
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Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Enumeration of queue operations.
The Ignite Set Component.
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Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Enumeration of Set operations.
The Ignite Set producer.